A.5mm B.10mm C.15mm D.20mm E.25mm
“三民主义”是指“民族、民权、民生”,三者是一个有机的整体,其中“民权主义”是“三民主义”的核心,这主要是因为“民权主义” [ ]
A .要用革命的手段推翻帝国主义支持的清政府的封建统治
B .从理论上解决了革命派迫切需要解决的夺取 * * 与建立 * * 的问题
C .提出变封建土地所有制为资本主义的土地所有制
D .主张推翻帝国主义在中国的殖民统治取得民族的独立
An analyst does researchabout lease. When compared to a leasor, which of the following is most appropriate adjustment to the balance sheet of a leasee()
A. increasing assets and liabilities by the sum of future lease payments.
B. increasing assets and liabilities by the present value of future leased payments.
C. decreasing assets and liabilities by the present value of future leased payments.