Electronic mail, or mail, as it is known to its many fans, has been around for over two decades. Typically, email systems support five basic functions, as described below. (41) refers to the process of creating messages and answers. (42) refers to moving messages from the originator to the recipient. (43) has to do with telling the originator what happened to the message. Was it rejected Was it lost (44) incoming message is needed. So people can read their email. (45) is the final step and concerns what the recipient does with the message after receiving it.
解析:[译文] 正如电子邮件(或简称邮件)的爱好者所知,它早在20年前就产生了。典型的邮件系统支持如下5个基本功能。写作是指创建消息和响应的过程,传输是指把消息从创建者处传送给接收者,报告是告诉创建者消息发生了什么问题(是被拒绝了丢失了),显示收到的消息是必须的,以使人们能够阅读邮件,终结是最后一步,关注的是接收者接收邮件后做了什么处理。
[分析]: 本题介绍了电子邮件的5个基本功能,即从写邮件开始,到终结的整个生存周期过程。要求在10个名义中选择5个,分别代表5个过程,所以,显然需要选择具有动作意义的名词。