问题 问答题




解析:作答A: 一是建立公正的制度。解决教育不公平问题,首先要建立公正的教育制度,为了确保教育公平,必须建立公、私领域界限分明的公正的教育制度。 二是转变观念,建立教育机会均等的新教育体系。转变教育观念是深化教育改革、加快教育发展的前提。要促进教育公平,就要在观念上、体制上改革。根据经济和社会发展的实际需求,结合城乡建设规划,制定优惠政策和相应机制,加大对落后地区和弱势群体的教育支持,大力推进义务教育的均衡化建设。 三是加大教育投资力度。从根本上解决教育不公,就要加大对教育的投资。为满足广大民众的需求,应努力增加优质教育资源的供给,并将教育置于适度超前发展的地位,以法律法规形式确定教育投入的总量和比例。 四是进一步完善办学方针和政策。要真正实现教育均衡发展,必须完善致力于给所有人提供受教育的机会,调整义务教育阶段的学校布局,制定长效优惠政策,努力实现义务教育的均衡化。 [评析] 本答卷最大的问题是有些对策不可行。 作答B: 第一,全面贯彻党的教育方针,大力实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,全面实施素质教育,深化教育改革,提高教育质量,建设现代国民教育体系和终身教育体系,保障人民享有接受良好教育的机会。 第二,坚持公共教育资源向农村、中西部地区、贫困地区、边疆地区、民族地区倾斜,逐步缩小城乡、区域教育发展差距,推动公共教育协调发展。加强农村教师队伍建设,逐步提高农村中小学公用经费的保障水平。城市教育经费附加应优先用于薄弱学校改造,切实改善薄弱学校的办学条件。 第三,健全教育资助制度和助学体系,推进优质教育资源公平配置。完善高等教育和高中阶段国家助学金、奖学金制度,积极推行学生贷款制度,建立各种形式的奖学金制度,实施勤工助学制度,开展特殊困难补助,实行学费减、免制度,鼓励社会各界捐资助学。加大对优质教育资源分配的宏观调节力度,逐步缩小学校之间办学条件的差距。加强教师资源的统筹管理和合理配置,促进师资力量的均衡发展。加强对高考、中考加分的督察,完善相关政策。 [评析] 本答卷有针对性,论述较全面,是一份不错的答卷。


Sonoma County, California is famous for its natural beauty. The area is also known for its fruits, vegetables, eggs, and seafood. When I first moved to the area years ago, I had no idea I would be living in such a rich area!

After the summer, local festivals practically celebrate the richness of the county every weekend. From Egg Days, Tomato Festival to Seafood Festival, Sonoma County has something for everyone. An event held every year is one of the most special in the area, which celebrates the harvest(收获) of tomatoes, showing over 170 kinds of this tasty fruit. Cooks prepare the most favorite tomato-inspired dishes. You can enjoy all kinds of food while listening to live music, and taste the world famous Kendall Jackson wine.

Another great feature of this event is the opportunity to take part in the yearly competition with your own tomatoes. Tomatoes are judged (判断) on looks, taste, and weight and winners will be awarded (奖励). If you’re planning on visiting and want to attend this event, get your ticket early as it sells out quickly.

This year, to celebrate Tomato Festival, I decided to plant a few tomatoes in a wine barrel (桶) that had kept a lemon tree before. The tree, after about 6 years, finally did not produce fruits anymore, so I changed to plant 3 tomato plants instead. The three wine barrel plants stand over six feet tall and that’s above the top of the barrel! They have lots of flowers and some have started to produce fruits. As usual, harvest may be late this year, but the quality of my tomatoes will be excellent. I believe I’ll realize my dream of being the best tomato gardener.

小题1:We can know from the first two paragraphs that       .

A.the author didn’t live there long

B.Sonoma County lies by the sea

C.people there like drinking wine

D.there are celebrations every day小题2:The passage mainly tells us something about       .

A.Egg Days

B.Seafood Festival

C.Tomato Festival

D.Vegetable Days小题3:If you are the best tomato gardener you will       .

A.be given prizes as a winner

B.eat tomato dishes for free

C.be respected by the local people

D.drink Kendall Jackson wine free
