某男,60岁。持续高热伴皮下出血1周,咳黄色脓痰。查体温39℃,呼吸25次/分,脉搏100次/分,血压100/62mmHg;双下肺可闻及局限性湿啰音;全身皮肤散在性紫癜。血常规结果:红细胞3.0×1012/L,血红蛋白5.1g/L,白细胞 3.0×109/L,血小板21×109/L。针对该病人的护理,下列哪项措施是错误的
I’d like to talk about (1) in England and Wales, and in England and Wales there are (2) of council. For instance, if I could take the example of Oxfordshire, there is (3) where they are responsible for education, (4) , structure planning, highways, (5) , and so on. And there are (6) district councils, again in Oxfordshire, and they are (7) , in particular council housing, for local plans, for (8) , environment health, and they’re also responsible for (9) , and in Oxford, for instance, they are building an ice-rink (10) of the city. If we could (11) the question of education, I think this would (12) of local government in the (13) . First of all, there is a minister at (14) level. He is the (15) for Education and he’s responsible for running a (16) education system in the (17) . But (18) there is a lot of local control. So the local councils, (19) such as Oxfordshire County Council, actually run the schools and colleges in their (20) .