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C.虽然拉登已被击毙,但美国本土也不敢大意,因为有比拉登更具威胁的“接班人” 早已对美国虎视眈眈,并很可能会在“9·11”十周年之际采取行动。





My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared head of the family. When I was five years old, she invited some friends to her apartment for a party. 26the guests was a neighborhood big shot(大亨). They had a little girl about my age who was27 and very much used to getting her own way.

Grandmother spent a lot of time with the big shot and his family. She 28 them the most important members of her social circle and tried hard to please them. At one point during the party, I 29my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. A minute or two later, the little girl 30the bathroom door and simply walked in. I was still sitting down. “Don’t you know that little girls aren't31to come into the bathroom when a little boy is using it!?” I shouted. The32I had piled upon her shocked the little girl. Then she started to cry. She tearfully33to her parents and my grandmother. Grandmother was waiting for me when I left the bathroom. I received the longest, sharpest34. After her scolding was over and I had been dismissed, the party 35.

Twenty minutes later, all that changed. Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a flood of water36out from under the door. She37the bathroom door and saw that the sink and tub were plugged(塞)up and that the taps 38at full blast (拧到最大). Everyone knew who did it. The guests quickly formed a39wall around me, but Grandmother was40 angry that she almost got to me anyway.

My grandfather took me41to the window. He was a kind and gentle man, full of wisdom and patience.42did he raise his voice to anyone, and never did he43 his wife. He looked at me with much curiosity, 44 angry or upset.

“Tell me,” he asked, “why did you do it?”

“Well, she shouted at me 45,” I said earnestly. “Now she's got something to shout about.”

Grandfather didn’t speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. “Eric,” he said at last, “you are my revenge(复仇).”

26. A. Between             B. Among             C. Around             D. Beside

27. A. spoiled               B. harmed             C. liked                D. concerned

28. A. imagined            B. told                  C. evaluated           D. considered

29. A. made                 B. found             C. pushed            D. wound

30. A. closed                B. opened             C. beat                 D. tapped

31. A. expected            B. asked                      C. supposed          D. told

32. A. happiness           B. depression               C. embarrassment D. anger

33. A. complained               B. apologized     C. replied             D. referred

34. A. cry                    B. blame               C. comment        D. demand

35. A. picked up            B. broke down              C. carried on          D. took off

36. A. moving              B. stirring           C. floating            D. streaming

37. A. pushed open       B. pulled down    C. shut up             D. knocked at

38. A. had gone             B. were going        C. went               D. had been going

39. A. productive          B. hard                 C. protective         D. rough

40. A. so                      B. too                   C. as                    D. very

41. A. by his hand               B. by the hand       C. by surprise        D. with anxiety

42. A. Often                 B. Sometimes        C. Always             D. Rarely

43 A. argue with           B. talk with           C. put up with       D. come to terms with

44. A. other than           B. instead of          C. rather than         D. more than

45. A. for something   B. for nothing       C. without doubt   D. with sympathy