问题 单项选择题








解析: 本题的考点是重复保险。《保险法》第41条规定,重复保险的投保人应当将重复保险的有关情况通知各保险人。重复保险的保险金额总和超过保险价值的,各保险人的赔偿金额的总和不得超过保险价值。除合同另有约定外,各保险人按照其保险金额与保险金额和的比例承担赔偿责任。某单位就其生产的同一厂房向甲、乙两保险公司投保已构成重复保险,按照法律的规定,甲和乙应当按照其保险金额与保险金额和的比例承担赔偿责任。然后就是赔付金额的计算问题。《保险法》第40条规定,保险标的的保险价值,可以由投保人和保险人约定并在合同中载明,也可以按照保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值确定。保险金额不得超过保险价值;超过保险价值的,超过的部分无效。保险金额低于保险价值的,除合同另有约定外,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例承担赔偿责任。由于两次保险金额均为200万元,而该厂房在签订保险合同的时候的实际价值只为150万元,保险金额超过保险价值的部分是无效的,又因厂房的剩余价值为 20万元,华夏公司保留对剩余的财产部分的权利,并且清理费用花去企业10万元,计算出保险标的的实际损失也就是按照合同约定计算出来最后的保险标的的实际价值应该是140万元。故两家公司赔偿的总金额应为140万元,两家公司在比例上是均等的,故应由甲、乙两公司各赔偿70万元。选项A和选项C对于重复保险所发生的法律后果的认识是错误的,重复保险不因先保而效力优先,也不因后保而使前保失去意义。选项 B的赔偿数额的得出没有考虑保险标的的实际价值,因此本题的正确答案是D。

单项选择题 B型题

President Bush arrived in Washington and forged ahead with an ambitious agenda- (1) tax cuts, vast changes in federal social programs, expansions of executive power and (2) broad remaking of energy and education policies.
Claiming a mandate by simply declaring (3) existence, his early successes dazzled his critics. With guru Karl Rove directing the (4) , Bush won a stunning series of political victories.
He muscled his agenda through (5) friendly Congress, and gained seats for his party in the 2002 midterm elections. (6) biggest triumph came in 2004, when he won a second term despite a (7) unpopular war.
The "permanent" Republican majority he and Rove envisioned even seemed attainable (8) Bush plunged himself into his most ambitious legislative effort yet: a partial privatization (9) Social Security.
But the president who boasted about "political capital" in the heady (10) after his re-election now faces the worst of political fates as he enters (11) final year in office: borderline irrelevance.
The president’s second term has (12) defined by legislative paralysis, marked by record-low approval ratings, presidential candidates who are (13) from his shadow, and a lingering war that’s sapping his remaining reservoirs of (14) .
As he enters his final year in office with the war continuing, Republican (15) for president bolting from his shadow, and his party back in the minority (16) Congress, he is politically weakened, an early entry into lame-duck status.
And the (17) Washington atmosphere he hoped to cure is just as nasty as it was (18) he came to office seven years ago.
"lie’s left our political institutions much (19) troubled than they were before," said Thomas E. Mann, a senior fellow at (20) Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think tank. "He didn’t create the ideological polarization, but he magnified it. \