问题 单项选择题

案例一】 200多名失业职工被召集在市劳动局就业训练中心大厅,等候参加某专业的职业培训报名。当工作人员小陈在发放“培训招生简章”。“我现在没心情看这个,您还是帮我找一份工作吧。”当他把这递给一个中年人时,他好像有些不耐烦了。 “是啊,我们需要的是饭碗,培训后你能保证我们的工作嘛?”“我是工程师,论专业水平,比你们这里的老师可能都不差,真不想再耽误时间了。”大家开始纷纷议论起来,小陈有些不知所措,便向中心的王主任汇报。 主任说:“我们是按照有关政策,为失业人员免费进行技能培训的,你应该告诉大家,让大家珍惜这次机会。”小陈认为不是这样的简单:“是不是我们的培训项目有些问题?这些失业人员全是来自一些倒闭企业,年龄不同,素质各异,而且需求也存在比较大的差异仅仅向他们提供单一的或同一专业的技能培训恐怕也不行,特别是那些有自助能力的高素质人员,参加这种一般操作技能的培训业确实意义不大。所以,我建议重新制定培训计划,对不同情况采取不同的培训措施,您看好吗?” 主任:“那好吧,我们就先不急于报名。先组织大家开一个座谈会,在充分了解基本状况与实际需求的基础上,针对大家的不同情况再实施培训。” 。。。。。。。。 几天以后,中心按照新制定的培训计划,依据不同的培训对象和社会需求,分几批进行了多层次、多制式的培训,取得良好效果。 如果你已明白【案例一】的内容,回答下列问题。








单项选择题 A1/A2型题


     When I was an educational official in Palo Alto, California, Polly Tyner, the president of our

school board, wrote a letter that was printed in the Palo Alto Times. Polly's son, Jim, had great

difficulty in school. He was classified as educationally disabled and required a great deal of

patience on the part of his parents and teachers. But Jim was a happy kid with a great smile that

lit up the room. His paront8 acknowledged his academic difficulties, but always tried to help him

see his strengths so that he could walk with pride. Shortly after Jim finished high school, he was

killed in a motorcycle accident. After his death, his mother submitted (提交) letter to the newspaper.

     Today we buried our 20-yeer-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident on

Friday night. How I with I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I

had only known I would have said, "Jim, I love you and I'm very proud of you"

     I would have taken the time to count the many blessings he brought to the lives of the many

who loved him. I would have taken the time to appreciate his beautiful smile, the sound of his

laughter, hit genuine love of people.

     When you put all the good qualities on the scale and try to balance all the irritating phenomena

such as the radio which was always too loud, the haircut that wasn't to our liking, the dirty socks

under the bed, etc., your angry feelings won't amount to much.

     I won't get another chance to tell my son all that I would have wanted him to bear, but, ether

parents, you do have a chance. Tell your young people what you would want them to hear if you

knew it would be your last conversation. The last time I talked to Jim was the day he died. He

called me to say, "Hi, Mom! I just called to say I love you. Got to go to work. Bye." He gave me

something to treasure forever

     If there is any purpose at all for Jim's death, maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life

and to have people, especially family members, take the time to let each other know just how much

we care.

1. Accosting to the passage, we know that ______.

A. Jim kept to himself                

B. Jim did very well in his studies

C. Jim a parents were patient with him    

D. Jim failed to finish his high school

2. By writing the letter printed in the Pain Alto Times, the author intends to ______.

A. mourn her son's sudden death in a traffic accident

B. remind people to be cautious of motorcycles

C. advise people to take the chance to express their love in time

D. appreciate more of life than ever before

3. What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Love your Family.                  

B. Do it Today.

C. Walk with Pride.                    

D. Appreciate Smiles.

4. The underlined word "irritating" in Paragraph 4 means ______.

A. annoying

B. aggressive

C. impatient

D. thrilling