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检验结果发现,吸烟愈多体力下降愈明显。钙与锌离子浓度也随吸烟量的增加而下降。专家们推测,这可能是由于体内烟碱浓度增加使某些运动神经元受到抑制,从而使骨髓肌兴奋性降低的缘故。这段话主要支持了这样一个论点,即( )








Even with little exposure to cultural standards of beauty, “infants treat attractive faces as  distinctive regardless of the sex, age a nd race of the stimulus(刺激物) faces,”  write psychologist Judith H.Langlois and her colleagues in the January DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY.

In their experiment, 5 healthy 6-month-old infants from middle-class families viewed slides showing eight pairs of white male faces and eight pairs of white female faces. Each pair, displayed for 10 seconds, consisted of one attractive and one unattractive face, as previously judged by a group of male and female college students. An experimenter viewed the young participants on a video monitor and recorded the direction and duration of each infant’s gaze.

The 35 boys and 25 girls looked longer at both male and female faces judged as attractive, the researchers found.

Their second study of 6-month-old involved 15 boys and 25 girls, mostly white, who saw eight pairs of slides showing an attractive and an unattractive black female, as previously judged by both white and black college students.  Again, the babies looked much longer at attractive faces.  

Finally, 19 boys and 20 girls, all 6 months old and almost all of them white, viewed eight pairs of slides showing the faces of 3-month-old boys and girls previously rated as attractive or unattractive by college students. Attractive baby faces drew signficantly longer looks, the psychologists report.

Further studies must explore whether infants take attractive faces as “best examples” of a face, the investigators claim Langlois and a coworker recently reported that attractive faces may possess features that approximate the mathematical average of all faces in particular population.

1.What was found in the first study?

A.Male infants looked longer only at female ones.

B.Females looked more attractive than males.

C.Sixty 6monthold babies looked longer at the attractive faces, male or female.

D.White female faces drew more attention  than those of black ones.

2.In the last paragraph, the writer implies that .      

A.Langlois and her partners will stop their experiments they accomplished a lot

B.Langlois and her partners will focus on the other fields of infants

C.Langlois and her partners have achieved success in studying the infants’ mind

D.Langlois and her partners have found a more interesting field

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.All babies, white or black, tend to share with the college students the preference for attractive faces.

B.White babies prefer white faces to black ones.      

C.Babies tend to get interested in the attractive faces of the opposite sex.

D.Beauty has something to do with a person’s age, race and sex

4.The title that best expresses the main idea is .     

A.Psychology of Infants   B.Beauty in Variety   C.Beauty and Race   D.Beauty in Infants