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第一篇 奥运会主中心区将设在奥林匹克公园内。北京奥林匹克公园位于北京城市中轴线的北端,占地1215公顷,其中有760公顷的森林公园,与北京市著名的中关村大学区、历史风景名胜区和大型住宅区相邻。奥运村、记者村、主新闻中心、国际广播电视中心及14座比赛场馆,中国体育博物馆、中国国际展览中心、国家奥林匹克体育中心位于公园内。// 奥运村将被建成体现城市可持续发展的优美的生态区,成为北京、中国和世界的样板。“绿色奥运”的理念在此将得到充分体现。村内运动员住宅将不超过六层,每两人一间,配有先进的设备。//村内将使用节能装置和环保材料,并广泛运用先进的网络技术。体现热情友好精神的娱乐场所,将使每一位村民感受家庭的温暖。这里提供的安全、舒适、方便的住宿条件将有助于运动员取得最好成绩。// 除部分比赛项目在城市中心举行外,其他项目的比赛集中在大学区、北部风景旅游区和西部社区。这些场馆和训练场馆的分布将方便运动员的使用,同时有利于赛后利用。赛后这些场馆将成为市民享受高品味文化氛围,进行运动、健身、休闲和文化活动的场所。// 奥运会将建设22个比赛场馆(3个在京外),将为中国人民留下宝贵的财富。奥运会计划使用37个比赛场馆、59个训练场馆。除帆船比赛在青岛举行,足球预赛在天津、上海、沈阳和秦皇岛举行外,其他比赛均在北京举行。// 北京2008年奥运会依照国际奥委会建议在8月举行。此时正值北京夏季,是旅游的旺季和学生的假期,并处于世界范围的传统体育比赛日期之间。这将有利于在众多的大学生和其他人群中招募志愿者为奥运会服务,有利于让更多的国内外人士目睹奥运会的风采,也有利于传播。//



解析:The Olympic Green will be situated inside the Olympic Park, which lies at the north end of the axis of the eity of Beijing. Occupying an area of 1215 hectares, 760 hectares of which is a forest park, the Olympic Park is close to the Zhongguancun University Area, the North Scenic Area and the Western Community Area. In the Olympic Park you will find the Olympic Village, the Media Village, the Main Press Center, the International Broadcasting Center, venues for 14 of the sports, China Sports Museum, the China International Exhibition Center and the National Olympic Sports Center. // The development of the Olympic Village will become a model for Beijing, China and the rest of the world in environmentally sustainable urban development and will advance the concept of the Green Olympics. The residential buildings, no higher than six floors and with each room shared by two persons, are equipped with sophisticated communication facilities. // Energy saving equipment and environmentally friendly materials will be used; advanced network technology will be extensively adopted; and a spirit of warmth and hospitality will characterize the recreational facilities, creating a feeling of home. It will provide safe and comfortable accommodation to assist all athletes in achieving their peak performance. // Some events will be held in the central area of the city; others concentrated in the University Area, the North Scenic Area and the Western Community Area respectively. This distribution of competition and training venues will be convenient for athletes during the Games while offering viable post-Games use for the future benefit of people of Beijing and China, who will be given the widest possible opportunities to enjoy them for sporting, physical fitness, leisure and cultural activities. // Twenty-two new sports venues will be built for the Games (3 of them outside Beijing) and these will be an important legacy for the people of China. During the Olympic Games, it is envisaged that 37 venues will be used as competition sites and 59 as training sites. All events will take place in Beijing, except for sailing in Qingdao, and football preliminaries in Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang and Qinhuangdao. // In line with the IOC’s proposal, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are planned to be held in August. This summer period falls during student vacation, at the height of the tourist season, and between traditional dates of sports competitions around the world. This will make it optimal for the recruitment of students and other volunteers, and attraction of domestic and international spectators, and the world television audience. //
