第四篇 北京奥运会不仅将展示新的激动人心的中国文化,也将体现北京独特的个性与技巧。北京也认为,应从奥林匹克运动中通过广泛咨询,得到技术上的建议。在准备这份报告时,我们咨询了来自悉尼、亚特兰大、巴塞罗那的专家。协商和对话是我们工作的原则。// 再次申办以来,我们不断地对举办北京奥运会的特殊意义,北京举办奥运会的条件和能力,进行反复的、多方向、多角度的研究和论证。这些研究和论证的结果,一次又一次地增强了我们的信心。我们承诺:// 北京奥运会将使运动员们满意。运动员是奥运会的核心,北京将保证他们在一个伟大的城市和清洁的环境中享有最理想的生活、训练和比赛条件,他们的体育才能将在公平竞赛的环境里得到充分发挥,并且激励中国和全世界的青年。// 北京奥运会将使国际奥委会、各国际单项体育组织和中国奥委会满意。他们的期望和要求将得到充分的满足。北京奥运会将充分发扬奥林匹克精神,并且展示出奥林匹克价值观对中国、亚洲和整个世界所产生的推动作用。// 北京奥运会将使媒体满意。各国和地区的记者将得到一流的工作和生活条件,赛场内外的每一条新闻都将迅速地传向世界的各个角落。// 北京奥运会将使国际奥委会市场开发计划的合作伙伴和赞助商们满意。他们的权益将得到切实可行的保障,他们的投资将得到最大的回报。//北京奥运会将使所有来宾和观光者满意。他们将享有最优质的服务和最热情的接待。北京所企盼的,正是你们所追求的。2008,属于北京!//
解析:Just as Beijing will give a new and exciting Chinese cultural dimension to holding the Games, so will it bring its individual qualities and skills to preparing and organizing the Games. But Beijing also recognizes the need to consult widely and obtain technical advice from within the Olympic Movement, as has already been done with experts from Sydney, Atlanta and Barcelona in the preparation of this File. Consultation and dialogue will guide our work. // Since the day we submitted our second bid, we have given careful consideration to the feasibility and to the very significance of hosting the Olympic Games in Beijing. The results of our research and analyses have time and again increased our confidence in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. Our starting point and commitments are as follows: // We will work diligently to recognize the central importance of the athletes of the world. We will guarantee them the best possible living, training and competition conditions in a great city and a clean environment. They will have every opportunity to perform at their best and inspire a new generation of young people in China and around the world. // We will work diligently to meet the expectations and high standard of the International Olympic Committee of China, the International Sports Federations, and the National Olympic Committee. We will deliver an Olympic Games. which will promote Olympic spirit and give full expression to Olympic values for the benefit of China, the region and the world. // We will work diligently to ensure that the Media have easy access to advanced communication technologies and first-class working conditions so that each and every newsworthy event of the Games can be quickly and easily communicated to the rest of the world. // We will work diligently to give the opportunity to our TOP Program partners and other sponsors to obtain maximum commercial benefit from their involvement in the Olympic Games and to protect their rights and interests.// We will work diligently to give the large numbers of Olympic spectators and visitors to Beijing an unforgettable sporting and cultural experience. It is our sincere belief that the time is right for Beijing to celebrate the Olympic Games. //