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第二篇 《北京2008》和大家见面了!在对这份精美的杂志表示衷心祝贺的同时,希望它更好地反映2008年北京奥运会的筹备情况,展示北京东方文明故都的城市风貌、厚重的历史、灿烂的文化和充满生机的现代气息,使这份刊物成为增强我们同国际奥林匹克大家庭之间联系的桥梁和纽带。// 上个月,我出席了国际奥委会第118次全会,亲历了都灵冬奥会,又一次感受到奥林匹克运动的巨大魅力。百年奥运,中华圆梦。北京以至全中国人民都热切盼望着在自己的家园举办一届奥运会。我们为能够亲身参与奥运会的筹备而感到自豪。//“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运会主题口号,表达了我们为世界的和平、发展、合作做出贡献的强烈愿望。北京奥运会吉祥物“福娃”,向全世界传递了中国人民的祝福和“北京欢迎你”的心声。我们将全力以赴,把2008年北京奥运会办成一届有特色、高水平的奥运会。// 今年是北京奥运会筹办工作的关键之年,筹备工作已经从前期准备阶段转入到赛事运行阶段。我们深感时间更加紧迫,任务更加繁重,责任更加巨大。我们正在以只争朝夕的工作状态,精心组织,扎实推进实施“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”的各项工作。//我相信,在国际奥委会的指导和帮助下,在中国政府和全国人民包括港澳台同胞、海外侨胞的大力支持下,一定能够高质量、高水平地做好各项筹备工作。希望《北京2008》杂志在筹办北京奥运会的进程中,广泛传播奥运理念,普及奥运知识,弘扬奥运精神,使更多的中外朋友,了解北京,了解中国,为展示北京及中 * * 风貌做出新的贡献。// (北京奥组委 * * 刘淇于2006年3月为《北京2008》杂志致贺辞)



解析:As Beijing 2008 makes its debut, let me extend my congratulations to the successful launch of such an excellent publication. It’s my hope that Beijing 2008 will report comprehensively on the preparations leading up to the Beijing Olympic Games, while showing that the ancient city of Beijing offers both a rich Eastern culture and dynamic modem life. I also hope that Beijing 2008 will serve as a bridge and ties between us and the rest of the Olympic Family around the world. // Last month, while attending the 118th Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), I took time to experience the Turin Winter Olympics. I was once again overwhelmed by the tremendous influence of the Olympic Movement. For the Chinese people, the Beijing Olympics is a century-old dream that has come true. People of Beijing and the rest of China are looking forward to holding the Olympic Games in their land. We are proud to be involved in the preparations for the Beijing Olympics. // We have made "One World One Dream" the slogan of the Beijing Olympic Games to express our strong desire for the contribution to peace, development and cooperation around the world. We have named our Olympic mascots "The Fuwa" to convey Chinese people’s best wishes to the international community and to send a warm invitation to the people all over the world to visit Beijing. We will do our best to make the Beijing 2008 Olympics a high-level Games with distinguished features. // The year of 2006 will be an important and arduous one in the preparatory work for the Beijing Olympics, with our focus shifting to competition operations. Being pressed for time, we have a greater sense of responsibility and urgency for the task. By seizing every second and with careful planning, we are working towards a Green Olympics. High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics. // I am confident that with the guidance and help of IOC and strong support from the Chinese government and people including compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas, all preparations will be accomplished with high quality and standards. As we carry out this work, I will look to Beijing 2008 to promulgate Olympic ideals, popularize Olympic knowledge and promote Olympism, so as to help more friends at home and abroad learn more about Beijing and China. // (Congratulatory Message from Mr. Liu Qi, President of the Beijing Organizing Committee, for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in March 2006)
