Which of the following statements is/are true Ⅰ. Stable value funds invest predominantly in Treasury bills in order to preserve capital. Ⅱ. Growth funds generally avoid stocks with high Price/Earnings multiples, since their growth is perceived to have already peaked. Statement Ⅰ Statement Ⅱ()①A. TrueTrue ②B. TrueFalse ③C. FalseFalse
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
Stable value funds hold securities such as short- term fixed income instruments (not treasury bills, but higher-return instruments ) and guaranteed investment contracts that are guaranteed by the issuing insurance company. These fixed income instruments provide higher income than money-market-style investments, while the insurance-type contracts provide protection from losses. Growth funds generally target (not avoid ) stocks with high Price/Earnings multiples, since they are perceived to be high growth companies. Consequently, both statements are false.