1. 中国运动员在2004年奥运会上表现出色。
2. 全国人民为此骄傲和自豪。
3. 希望他们力争在2008年再创佳绩。希望北京奥运会举办成功。
4. 我们应更加努力学好各门功课,尤其是英语。
5. 自己希望在2008年做自愿者,在北京奥运会期间为国外运动员和来宾服务。
The Chinese players did very well in the Olympic Games of the year 2004. We Chinese are proud of this. We
hope they will do better again in the year 2008. And we hope the 29th Olympic Games will be held successfully
in Beijing. As students, we should work hard at every subject, especially English to make contributions to our
country. I hope to be a volunteer during the 29th Olympic Games. I would like to work for the players and
visitors from foreign countries then.