HW高速公路状态显示“16 11 LOK”,表示什么?
一女性患者,28岁,发现左侧 * * 内有一硬结,不痛,超声检查:左侧乳腺见两个圆形无回声区,边界清晰,光滑,整齐,内透声好,后方回声增强。其最可能是
Like other men of vision (有识之士) , Maceo had no time for racism, for the false idea that one race of men is better or worse than any other. Some of the whites of Cuba disagreed with him. They were Spanish settlers who thought that white was going to be better than black even in an independent Cuba. One day Maceo was approached by a Spanish Cuban who suggested that the regiments of independence army should be divided into whites and nonwhites. Maceo made him a reply which became famous in Cuba. "If you were not white," Maceo said to this man, "I would have you shot on the spot. But I do not wish to be accused of being a racialist as you are, and so I let you go, but with the warning that I shall not be so patient another time. The revolution has no color.\
Some of the whites of Cuba thought one race of men is better than any other. A. Right.B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say.