参考答案:实施爆破作业中,承包单位的做法是错误的。 理由:从事特殊作业的人员(如电焊工、电工、起重工、架子工、爆破工),必须持证上岗。
1. He _______ ever _______ (be) to the amusement park several times.
2. I'm sorry I didn't finish _______ (write) my composition.
3. I have been _______ (skate) for two hours.
4. _______ you _______ (teach) us computer science next year.
5. I went there last year and _______ (fall) in love with it.
6. They _______ (fly) to the moon in ten years.
7. I will go to the water park if it _______ (not rain) tomorrow.
8. When Mr. Cook got home, his son _______ (listen) to the radio.
9. The old man makes a living by _______ (sell) vegetables.
10. The box is too heavy. I'm not strong enough _______ (carry) it.
个人独资企业解散后,其财产不足以清偿债务的,投资人应当以其个人的其他财产予以清偿,仍不足清偿的,投资人应当以其家庭共有财产予以清偿。( )