贸易保护主义考验全球经济 2000年全球共有反倾销案251起,略高于20世纪90年代年均232起的数字。但是,2001年,反倾销案件猛增到创记录的348起。这个的统计数字表明贸易保护主义正在迅速蔓延,并日益成为国际贸易中一个严重的问题。 事实表明,一旦经济陷入衰退,贸易保护主义就会抬头。2002年3月20日,美国正式启动201条款,对进口钢材加征30%的进口关税,这就是贸易保护主义的最好例证。 美国钢铁业由于自身的结构问题,再加上本国经济萧条的打击,许多钢铁公司纷纷倒闭。出于政治上的原因,布什政府挥起了“钢铁大棒”,保护本国的钢铁业,引发了钢材出口国的强烈不满。 美国是发起对外反倾销案最多的国家,其次是加拿大、印度和欧盟。而中国则是反倾销案最主要的打击目标之一。 反倾销调查最终经常会导致加征进口税,目的在于增加出口商的销售成本,保护本国产品的竞争力。虽然很多实施反倾销行动的国家宣称他们的行为是合法的,但是无可否认,反倾销的根本目的是保护本国竞争力低下的生产者。 美国的201条款还不同于普通的反倾销、反补贴措施,它不要求调查出口国是否进行了不公平的贸易活动,只要求对国内相关行业是否因进口增加而受损进行调查即可。这种紧急保护措施较普通的反倾销更随意,也更为严厉。 结果,欧盟、日本、韩国等国都在世界贸易组织向美国提出起诉,并准备采取紧急保护措施。贸易战可能会从钢铁扩展到其他产业,而全球贸易的稳定将经受新一轮的考验。
解析:World Economy Tested by Trade Protectionism There were 251 anti-dumping cases put on file throughout the world in 2000, a slightly higher number than the annual average of 232 cases throughout the 1990s. In the single year of 2001, however, the number suddenly rose to a record high of 348, indicating a rapid spread of trade protectionism, an increasingly serious problem in world trade. Trade protectionism begins to prevail when economic depression occurs. The best proof of this was the U. S. Trade and Tariff Act’s Section 201, which was made effective on March 20, 2002, and imposed a 30% ad valorem duty on imported steel. Due to structural problems in the domestic steel industry and the negative impact of economic depression in the United States, many U. S. steel producers went bankrupt. For political reasons, the Bush Administration began to rely on its "Steel Stick" to protect the domestic steel industry, a move strongly opposed by many steel-exporting countries. The United States ranks first in taking anti-dumping cases against other countries, and is followed by Canada, India and the European Union. China is one of the main target countries of anti-dumping actions. Anti-dumping investigations often end in an increase in duties, with the aim of raising exporters’ sales costs to protect the competitiveness of domestic goods. Most countries allege legal validity in their anti-dumping actions. The ultimate purpose, however, is to protect domestic producers that are less competitive. Section 201 differs from ordinary anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measure in that it does not require an investigation into the alleged unfair trade activities by the exporting country. Instead it only requires an investigation into whether the domestic industry is injured by the increase in imported goods. This protective measure taken in an urgent situation is more random and severe than ordinary anti-dumping actions. As a result, the European Union, Japan and South Korea have brought accusations against the U.S. to the WTO and are ready to take urgent protective measures. As it is likely that the trade war in the steel industry will spread to other industries, world trade stability will be subject to an other round of trials and tribulations.