三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材基层处理剂用聚氨酯底胶,分甲料和乙料,甲料为黄褐色胶体,乙料为黑色胶体,每平方米用量约为0.2kg。( )
Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization(WTO) will benefit not only itself but the whole world, said an article in People’s Daily.For the last nine years negotiations have gone on concerning restoring China’s status in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),which is replaced by WTO. The negotiation have drawn attention from all over the world.Only when consensus is reached on key issues, can the final decision, involving more than 100 member states , be made.It is expected that China’s bid will eventually pass, though final details and a timetable have not been decided yet, said the People’s Daily.Over the past years, China has taken important steps to conform with international trade regulations based on the Uruguay-round talks. It is clear that China has made its markets more open, both in commercial and tertiary industries. Since 1992, a series of measures has been taken in lowering tariff rates and reducing non-tariff barriers.These reforms demonstrate China’s readiness to join the WTO. Serious disputes, however,still remain between China and some key member states over the obligations China should undertake.China should be responsible for reform compatible with its current development level, the article stressed. In future negotiations, we should insist on this point and give the member states a clearer understanding of the practical situation in China.China has a population of 1.2 billion, which increases by 10 million each year. The government must be very cautious in reforms to prevent dramatic economic downfalls, which may have disastrous results not only in China but around the world.China’s per capita income remains less than $500, there are still 70 million people who do not have enough for basic food and clothing. The negotiators should bear in mind the country’s development level when they decide the obligations China should assume.Otherwise, negotiation results will be meaningless, or worse; they could stifle the Chinese market. It is like the old Chinese saying: “Killing the hen to get the eggs.”China is in transition from a planned economy to a market one. With such a big population and large economic development scale, a transitional period is necessary for any new reform measure. This is also the case when adopting some international practice.
The proverb “Killing the hen to get the eggs” means( ).
A.more haste, less speed
B.strike while the iron is hot
C.look before you leap
D.never run for two hares at the same time
遂与所征三十人西,及上左右为学者与其弟子百馀人习之月馀,叔孙通曰:“上可试观。”上既观,使行礼,曰:“吾能为此。”乃令群臣习肄①。汉七年,长乐宫成,诸侯群臣皆朝。仪:先平明,谒者治礼,引以次入殿门。廷中陈车骑步卒卫宫,设兵张旗帜。传言“趋”。殿下郎中侠陛,陛数百人。功臣列侯诸 * * 军吏以次陈西方,东乡;文官丞相以下陈东方,西乡。
[注] ①肄:学习、练习。②谒者:官名,掌接待宾客及赞礼。