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1.该工程项目经理部在施工组织设计编制过程中存在的不妥。 (1)不妥之处:项目经理部根据施工合同和自身的技术水平编制施工组织设计。 正确做法:施工组织设计的编制要结合工程对象的实际特点,施工条件和技术水平进行综合考虑。 (2)不妥之处:项目经理部在编制完成资源需求量计划后,确定了施工总进度计划。 正确做法:编制施工总进度计划后才可编制资源需求量计划。 (3)不妥之处:在施工总进度计划明确后,拟定具体的施工方案。 正确做法:拟订施工方案后才可编制施工总进度计划。


3.施工成本管理措施可归纳为组织措施、技术措施、经济措施、合同措施。 (1)加强施工调度属于组织措施。 (2)编制安全使用计划,确定施工成本管理目标属于经济措施。 (3)采用先进的施工技术属于技术措施。 (4)提出风险应对措施属于合同措施。

4.施工成本管理的环节主要包括: (1)施工成本预测; (2)施工成本计划; (3)施工成本控制; (4)施工成本核算; (5)施工成本分析; (6)施工成本考核。


    Many do-it-yourself homeowners are interested in
trying out solar power to learn about the technology
and perhaps to provide energy for limited-use applications.
There are a variety of ways to find cheap solar panels
(板), including buying used and building your own with
factory seconds. Both methods will save money while
forcing you to learn the ins-and-outs of a solar power
array (阵列). 
    We've all seen solar-powered street signs or PV
panels being used for various purposes at remote
locations. When those units become cracked or chipped
and- are considered "unsafe", companies are forced to
replace them, generally to avoid responsibility issues.
Because it's difficult to get rid of PV panels, many
companies, if approached, are willing to give them away or to sell them for modest prices. Depending on the
degree of damage present, expect to see performance degradation (降级) in the range of 10% to 60%. A
multimeter (万用表) can be used to test the panel before buying. If the panel's free, take it anyway. It could
still be useful in a home solar project.
     A solar panel is really nothing but a box serving as a container for a large group of solar cells. Factory
second solar cells are usually sold on eBay at a small part of their regular cost. The cells come in a variety of
sizes. You will need to figure out how much power a single cell produces to determine how many will need to
be wired together to form an array.
     A simple search of the Internet will show numerous sites detailing home solar panel projects. Do-it-yourself
lovers are generally quite generous in supply photographs of their work and description of what went wrong
and right with the project.
     Getting cheap solar panels with slight imperfections either used or through sales of factory seconds, is a
perfect solution for home-built renewable energy projects. The high number of solar lovers online provide a
wealth of useful information. Only limited skills are required, plus an understanding of the basic wiring involved.
All are well within the talents of almost any home handyman. Beyond the satisfaction of having completed the
project, you'll come away with a functional solar panel that will be a source of power for use around the house
or at remote locations.
     Solar energy systems are quickly becoming more popular with homeowners as prices continue to decline.
1. The author writes the passage to introduce _____.
[ ]
A. ways of finding cheap solar panels
B. ways of saving energy
C. a way of making a solar panel
D. a home-built energy system
2. What does the phrase "factory seconds" in the passage refer to?
[ ]
A. Second-hand factory products.
B. Cheap but perfect factory products.
C. Faulty factory solar cells.
D. The second best factory solar cells.
3. From Paragraph 5, we can learn about home-built energy projects that _____.
[ ]
A. none of them are beyond home handymen
B. a lot of useful information is available on the Internet
C. a perfect solution is to get cheap and perfect solar panels
D. understanding electrical wiring is not necessarily needed
4. What is the author's attitude towards the future of solar energy systems?
[ ]
A. Optimistic. 
B. Pessimistic.
C. Indifferent.
D. Doubtful.