问题 单项选择题

In April 1995, a young Chinese chemistry student at Beijing University lay dying in a Beijing hospital. She was in a coma, and although her doctors had performed numerous tests, they could not discover what was killing her. In desperation, a student friend posted an SOS describing her symptoms to several medical bulletin boards and mailing lists on the Internet. Around the world, doctors who regularly checked these electronic bulletin boards and lists responded immediately.
In Washington D. C. , Do, John Aldis, a physician with the U.S. Department of State, saw the message from China. Using the Internet, he forwarded the message to colleagues in America. Soon an international group of doctors joined the e- mail discussion. A diagnosis emerged -- the woman might have been poisoned with thallium, a metal resembling lead. A Beijing laboratory confirmed this diagnosis -- the thallium concentration in her body was an much as 1,000 times normal. More e-mail communication followed, as treatment was suggested and then adjusted. The woman slowly began to recover. Well over a year later, the international medical community was still keeping tabs on her condition through the electronic medium that saved her life.
It’s 11: 30 p. m. , you’re is San Francisco on business, and you want to check for messages at your office in Virginia. First you dial in and get your voice mail. Next you plug your portable computer into the hotel-room telephone jack, hit a few keys, and pick up e-mall from a potential client in South Africa, your sister in London, and a business associate in Detroit. Before writing your response, you do a quick bit of search on the Internet, tracking down the name of the online news group you had mentioned to the man in Detroit and the title of a book you wanted to recommend to your sister. A few more keystrokes and in moments your electronic letters have reached London and Detroit. Then, knowing that the time difference means the next workday has begun in South Africa, you call there without a second thought.
These stories reflect society’s increasing reliance on system of global communication that can link you equally easily with someone in the next town or halfway around the world. The expanded telephone-line capacity that has allowed the growth of these forms of communication is a recent phenomenon. The United States has enjoyed domestic telephone service for more than a century, but overseas telephone calls were difficult until relatively recently. For a number of years after World War Ⅱ, calls to Europe or Asia retied on short-wave radio signals. It sometimes took an operator hours to set up a 3- minute call , and if you got through, the connection was often noisy.
In 1956, the first transatlantic copper wire cable allowed simultaneous transmission of 36 telephone conversations -- a cause for celebration then, a small number today. Other cables followed; by the early 1960s, overseas telephone calls had reached 5 million per year. Then came satellite communication in the middle 1960s, and by 1980, the telephone system carried some 200 million overseas calls per year. But as demands on the telecommunication system continued to increase, the limitations of current technology became apparent. Then, in 1988, the first transatlantic fiber-optic cable was laid, and the "information superhighway" was on its way to becoming reality.
Optical fibers form the backbone of the global telecommunication system per, length for length, than steel -- were designed to carry the vast amounts of data that can be transmitted via a relatively new form of light-tightly focused laser. Together, lasers and optical fibers have dramatically increased the capacity of the international telephone system. A typical fiber-optic cable made up of 100 or more such fibers can carry more than 40,000 voice channels. With equally striking improvements in computing, the new communication technology has fueled the exponential growth of the phenomenon known as the Internet.

The highly efficient modem communication system began ______.

A.over a century ago

B.in the middle 1960s

C.in the late 1980s

D.in the year 1980



解析:该题问:高效率的现代通讯系统是在什么时间开始的 A项意为“一个世纪之前”;B项意为“在二十世纪六十年代中期”;D项意为“1980年”,这三项都不正确。C项正确,因为在第五段的最后一句提到In 1988,the first transatlantic fiber-optic cable was laid,and the information superhighway was on its way to becoming reality。


案例一:  一般资料:求助者,男性,28岁,医院主治医师。  案例介绍:求助者在大学时与同学谈恋爱,计划毕业后结婚。但毕业后女友出国留学,结婚的事就耽误了下来。四年来女友不断催促他出国,可他放不下自己在国内某著名医院的工作和发展机会,反而力劝女友回国发展,遂与女友产生矛盾。为此很苦恼,前来进行心理咨询。  求助者是第一次作心理咨询,他看到咨询室大约十五、六平方米,室内摆设只有两张沙发,中间有一茶几,上面有录音机、鲜花和纸巾盒。在沙发的对面墙上有“告别痛苦,迎来快乐”、“幸福是自己创造的”、“摆脱烦恼,塑造欢乐”等横幅。  下面是心理咨询师的一段咨询谈话:  因为你是第一次作咨询,所以我先给你介绍一下心理咨询是怎么回事。心理咨询是我帮助你解决心理问题的过程,就是我把心理学的理论和方法融合在我的语言里来帮助你,通过促进你的心理成长,你自己探索、解决自己的心理问题。当然,必要时我也会给你开一些很有效的药物。请注意,是我帮助你而不是替你解决问题。在心理咨询中我作为心理咨询师将遵循价值中立的原则,我会绝对遵守,不把自己的价值观强加给你。我还将遵守保密原则,在咨询时你所谈到的在何内容无论是否涉及到你的个人隐私,我都绝对为你保密,请你放心。心理咨询是一个过程,需要时间,你每次来咨询都需要预约,每次咨询的时间可以灵活掌握。心理咨询按规定是要收费的。我们没有其它收费。

单选:每次心理咨询的时间( )。



