问题 单项选择题

黄河是我国第二大河,也是世界上屈指可数的名川.她从巴颜喀拉山北麓起步,接纳千溪百川,一路浩浩荡荡,奔腾东流,经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河河、山东等九个省区,注入浩瀚的大海,全长5464千米,流域面积75多万平方千米,像一条金色的巨龙,昂首横卧在我国北部辽阔的大地上. 在古代,黄河流域的自然环境是很优越的.那时节,这里的气候温暖湿润,土地肥沃,到处是青山绿野,植物种类繁多,为原始人类的,生存提供了有利的条件.殷代以后黄河中下游流域成为我国开发最早的地区,经济发展,人口繁衍较快,政治、文化也比较先进.因此黄河流域成为中 * * 的摇篮.相传中 * * 的始祖——黄帝出生在黄河中游,他和他的族系主要活动的区域也在黄河中游.后来建立夏、商、周王朝的国君都是他的后裔.他们自称“华"(或“夏”),聚居在中原地区,人们认为“中原"位居四方之中,所以后世又称为“中华”.后来“中华"又成了整个中国的代称.黄河孕育了中 * * 的古代文化,是古代文明的发祥地之一.在新石器时代中期,黄帝族就已开始使用彩陶.从河南渑池仰韶、西安半坡村等地发掘的古文化遗址中,可以见到大约5000年前即新石器时代中期人们使用的简陋的木、石农具.木结构房屋,储粮的窖穴,还有各式各样的陶器,其中带有人面、鱼、鹿等图案的彩陶相当精美,反映了中 * * 历史的悠久和艺术的高超.这种文化被称为“仰韶文化”或“彩陶文化”.我国历史上七大古都中的安阳、西安、洛阳和开封,都在黄河流域.以古都长安为中心的唐代文化,曾是当时世界文化的高峰,影响着世界各国,尤其是亚洲邻国的文化.黄河,以丰富的乳汁,哺育了中 * * ,而中 * * 的优秀儿女在她的身旁辛勤劳动,创造了光辉灿烂的古代文化.黄河,不愧是中 * * 的摇篮,我国文化的发源地.









     One bright summer day, boys and girls were having a walk with their teacher near the zoo. They
walked and   1   happily.
     After a while, they came to a   2   over the river, and they took turns to go across it. When they
just reached the middle, there came a great shout of warning behind them. The teacher told them   3  ,
and she turned back and listened. When she heard the voice"   4   !", she knew what would happen.
Before she could do anything she saw a wolf   5   towards the bridge.
     "Children," said the teacher,"Don't worry, don't move   6   cry." Then she ran to the back of the
children   7   the wolf should meet her first.
     The wolf came, and its mouth was widely open. When it passed the teacher, the wolf saw a boy.
It stopped and wanted to snap (咬) at the boy. When the teacher   8   this, she put her right hand into
the wolf's   9   quickly. The wolf was so frightened, and it  10  at once.
      When people heard of it, they all spoke highly of her bravery (勇敢).
( )1. A. singing
( )2. A. garden 
( )3. A. to cry 
( )4. A. Snake 
( )5. A. running 
( )6. A. or     
( )7. A. too to 
( )8. A. warned 
( )9. A. ears   
( )10. A. died 
B. sing     
B. bank     
B. to shout  
B. Dog     
B. joining   
B. yet       
B. so that   
B. seemed   
B. body     
B. fell over
C. sang      
C. village    
C. not to cry 
C. Bear       
C. arriving  
C. so          
C. as well as  
C. saw        
C. legs    
C. fell down 
D. to sing   
D. bridge      
D. to meet     
D. Wolf         
D. standing  
D. for           
D. as long as  
D. watched       
D. mouth     
D. ran away 
单项选择题 案例分析题