The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an interautonomous system. ______ protocol. The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network ______ information with other BGP system. This network reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous System (ASs) that teachability information traverses. BGP-4 provides a new set of mechanisms for supporting ______ interdomain routing. These mechanisms include support for advertising an IP ______ and eliminate the concept of network class within BGP. BGP-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including ______ of AS paths. These changes provide support for the proposed supernettting scheme.
A. reservation B. utilizationC. aggregation D. connection
解析: 边界网关协议(BGP)是自治系统间的路由(routing)协议。BGP发言人的一个基本功能是,与其他BGP系统交换网络可达性(reachability)信息。这些信息包含了可达性信息穿越的自治系统(AS)的列表。BGPv4提供了一系列新的机制来支持无类别(classless)的域间路由。这些机制包括支持发布IP地址前缀(prefix),从而在BGP网络中取消了“类”的概念。BGPv4还引入了路由聚合机制,包括AS路径的聚合(aggregation)。这些改变为提议的超网方案提供了支持。