问题 单项选择题

You work for one of the leading manufactures of country and western apparel. You are managing a project to redesign retail store layout to improve customer throughput and efficiency. Much of the project work must be done on site and will require the active participation of store employees. Many of these are lifelong members of a powerful union that has a reputation for labor unrest. One important component of your schedule must be ______ .

A.a resource capabilities matrix

B.buffers and reserves

C.a resource calendar

D.a resource histogram



解析: 你为一家处于领先地位的西部乡村服装生产商工作。现在你管理着一个以增加顾客接待量和提高工作效率为目的的零售商店面布局重新设计的项目。这个的项目的许多工作都要在现场完成, 而且需要商店员工的积极参与。而这些员工中有很多都是一个以鼓动劳工闹事而著称的工会组织的终身会员。那么你的进度安排中一个重要的组成部分必定是 ______ 。 A) 一个资源能力矩阵 B) 备用人员和储备金 C) 一个资源日历 D) 一个资源柱状图 资源日历显示资源的可用性,是制定项目进度计划过程的输入,是项目进度计划的重要组成部分。

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