问题 单项选择题

Critical chain is a schedule network analysis technique that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resources. Critical chain combines deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Initially, the project schedule network diagram is build using non-conservative estimates for activity durations within the schedule model, with required dependencies and defined constraints as inputs. The critical path is then calculated. After the critical path is identified, resource availability is entered and the resource-limited schedule result is determined. The resulting schedule often has an altered critical path. The critical chain method adds non-work schedule activities to maintain focus on the planned activity durations, also referred to as ______ .

A.duration buffers

B.resource leveling

C.reverse resource leveling




解析: 关键链是一种进度网络分析技术用来根据有限的资源调整项目进度。关键链整合了确定性和或然说的方法。首先, 根据必要的依赖关系和定义好的约束, 项目进度网络图通过非保守的活动历时估算在进度模型内完成。接下来计算关键路径。在关键路径被识别之后, 资源的可利用性被输入, 产生一个资源约束型的进度结果。这个进度结果通常会改变关键路径。关键链方法增加些非工作进度活动去保证计划活动的历时, 这些工作进度活动又称为 ______ 。 A) 历时缓冲 B) 资源平衡 C) 储备资源平衡 D) 赶工 关键链方法提出时问缓冲段的概念。
