The world’s annual food production slightly exceeds the amount of food required to provide a minimally adequate diet for the world’s population. To predict that insufficient food production will cause a hunger crisis in the future is nonsense.
Any hunger crisis will result from a distribution problem rather than a production problem.
The statement above assumes which of the following
A.The world’s food requirements are greater than they will be in the future.
B.A shortfall in the world’s food production can be prevented by a better distribution system.
C.The world’s food production will continue to be sufficient to meet or exceed needs.
D.The distribution of the world’s existing food supply will be improved in the future.
E.(E) The world hunger crisis will not exist in the future.
解析: 本题的结论是“将来不会发生饥荒,导致任何饥荒的不是产量问题,而是分配问题”;结论的前提是“目前世界粮食年产量略高于世界人口基本上吃饱所需的食物总量”。本题显然是通过目前与将来的对比进行了类比推理,然后根据今天的情况来确定将来的情况,因此将来关于粮食产量的情况应和今天具有相似性,也就是说将来世界食物的产量也会满足或超过人们的需要。由此分析可知(C)是正确答案;(A)易被误选,将来世界对粮食的需求量比目前的小,但是如果食物产量降低了更多,那么将来的粮食产量将不能满足需要,必定会发生饥荒,因此(A)不正确;(B)和(D)为无关选项;(E)只是重申了结论,不可能作为一个假设。