问题 写作题


     2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生了特大地震,数十万人伤亡,数百 万人失去了家园,

数万孩子失去了校园。在此危难之时,全国人民 众志成城,抗震救灾,向灾区人民伸


     假设你叫李伟 (Li Wei),请你从学生的角度,以A Letter to the Children in Wen- chuan为题,

给灾区的孩子写一封英文短信,以表达你的同情、关心、 支持与鼓励,让他们尽快从地震的

阴霾中走出来。 要点提示:同情关心支持鼓励祝愿

提示词语:earthquake, kill, wound (致伤), relatives, destroy,  lonely, homeland, loveliest,

whole-heartedly (全心全意地), donate, overcome (克服), confidence, firm will (坚定的意志),

rebuild (重 建), pocket money (零花钱)


(1) 请尽可能使用所给的提示词语,但写作不受所给词语的 顺序限制;

(2) 句式工整,书写规范,语句条理性强,注意标点符号。






                                          A Letter to the Children in Wenchuan

Dear little friends,

     May 12, 2008 was the most terrible day for you, for me and for all the Chinese. The great earthquake

killed and wounded your relatives, your teachers and your classmates,and destroyed your houses and

schools badly. You felt very sad and our hearts were also broken deeply. However, you are not alone.

The loveliest people, such as the leaders, soldiers, doctors and volunteers, immediately arrived and

helped you whole-heartedly. The people all over China are donating money,things or even their blood.

I've also donated all my pocket money.

     China is a big family. We are all your brothers and sisters. We will do everything to help you rebuild

your homeland We are all together with you for ever. I believe you can overcome the difficulties with

your confidence and firm will.Please accept my heartfelt wishes: You'll be fine in the future.

      Best wishes to you all!


                                                                                                                                     Li Wei

