测试的目的是暴露错误,评价程序的可靠性;而 【1】 的目的是发现错误的位置并改正错误。
解析:[评析] 软件测试的目标是在精心控制的环境下执行程序,以发现程序中的错误,给出程序可靠性的鉴定;调试也称排错,它是一个与测试有联系又有区别的概念。具体来说,测试的目的是暴露错误,评价程序的可靠性,而调试的目的是发现错误的位置,并改正错误。
测试的目的是暴露错误,评价程序的可靠性;而 【1】 的目的是发现错误的位置并改正错误。
解析:[评析] 软件测试的目标是在精心控制的环境下执行程序,以发现程序中的错误,给出程序可靠性的鉴定;调试也称排错,它是一个与测试有联系又有区别的概念。具体来说,测试的目的是暴露错误,评价程序的可靠性,而调试的目的是发现错误的位置,并改正错误。
Since life began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone. Some, such as the dinosaurs, became extinct due to naturally changing ecologic conditions. More recent threats to life forms are humans and their activities. Man has drained marshes, burned prairies, dammed and diverted rivers. Some of the more recent casualties of man’s expansion have been the dodo, great auk, passenger pigeon, Irish elk, and Steller’s sea cow. Sadly, we can no longer attribute the increasing decline in our wild animals and plant species to "natural" processes. Many species are dying out because of exploitation, habitat alteration or destruction, pollution, or the introduction of new species of plants and animals to an area. As mandated by Congress, protecting endangered species, and restoring them to the point where their existence is no longer jeopardized, is the primary objective of the U.S. Fish and Wilidlife Service’s Endangered Species Program. |
Which of the following would be a likely theme for the next paragraph
A.Naturally changing ecological conditions
B.Animals that have become extinct
C.Achievements of the government Endangered Species Program
D.Programs that have destroyed natural habitats