问题 单项选择题

影响文件系统可靠性的因素之一是文件系统的一致性问题,如果读取 (22) 的某磁盘块,修改后在写回磁盘前系统崩溃,则对系统的影响相对较大。通常的解决方案是采用文件系统的一致性检查,一致性检查包括块的一致性检查和文件的一致性检查。在块的一致性检查时,检测程序构造一张表,表中为每个块设立两个计数器,一个跟踪该块在文件中出现的次数,一个跟踪该块在空闲表中出现的次数。若系统有16个块,检测程序通过检测发现表 (23) 状态下的文件系统是一致的。




[分析]: 影响文件系统可靠性的因素之一是文件系统的一致性问题,如果读取系统目录文件的某磁盘块,修改后在写回磁盘前系统崩溃,则对系统的影响相对较大。因为很多文件系统是先读取磁盘块到主存,在主存进行修改,然后写回磁盘。但如果读取某磁盘块,修改后在将信息写回磁盘前系统崩溃,则文件系统就可能会出现不一致性状态。如果这些未被写回的磁盘块是系统目录文件,如索引节点块、目录块或空闲管理块等,那么后果是很严重的。


Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.
Passage One

Being a good parent is harder now than it has ever been before. In pressurised modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, and a good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent. We haven’t left space for the nurturing parents expect to provide and children need. As a result, many parents in the western world just don’t work.
Something will have to change. With luck, people in the future will only have children if they really want them. And that should mean that parenthood is seen as a much more positive commitment than it is now, and that parents are socially supported, and admired for doing a good job.
The problem is that in the last generation or so we’ve come to assume that women should be able, and should want, to do everything that by tradition men have done at the same time as pretty well as everything that by tradition women have done. And it’s just not possible. Indeed since adopting a male agenda in life is arguably only another form of submission (男尊女卑), quite a number of highly educated and economically privileged women are now choosing to take career breaks so as to be at home with their children for longer than that insulting 18 weeks.
The most welcome trend in parenting is that men are participating more and more. Even that is not free of conflict, though. Intellectually, women want men to be equal parents and do their share. But there’s often a contradictory emotional sub-text because children are the last bastion (堡垒) of distaff power (女性的权利) in the family. "I want him to help me but this is my territory and being better at it is one of the few things I’ve got as a female. "
Having children—especially the first child--puts a bigger strain on a couple’s relationship than anything else they ever do. So a future of smaller families and more people choosing not to have children at all could well leave couples closer than they are today; for many, the purpose of being together would be solely to pleasure and support each other—an interesting prospect.

Which is true about the future trend

A.More parents will choose to stay at home to take care of their children.

B.Families with several children will emerge per and richer.

C.More people will choose not to get married.

D.More couples will choose not to have children.