问题 问答题

1.正当众多媒体对获得500万元 * * 票大奖的神秘女士频频报道时,人们更多的是对该女士不愿透露姓名及面容的较强的自我保护行为议论纷纷。于是,由这位特别的大奖得主引发了人们对公民隐私权的广泛关注。那么,我国法律是如何界定隐私权的呢公民又应该怎样保护自己的个人隐私呢2.为寻找相关法律,记者分别采访了北京问中律师事务所的方律师和北京陆通律师事务所的付律师。隐私权是公民人身权利的一种,我国法律明确规定公民有隐私权,《中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区基本法》规定:澳门居民享有个人名誉权、私人生活和家庭生活的隐私权。而其他法律、司法解释中只表明保护公民隐私,未明确公民有隐私权。3.针对个人隐私如何界定的问题,付律师谈到:我国法律对公民个人隐私未作界定,即哪些个人资料属于隐私,哪些个人资料不属于隐私、未作明确规定。一般认为,公民不愿向外界透露的个人或家庭资料就属于隐私,比如财产状况、健康状况等。4.那么对那些高额的大奖得主而言,一些认为“神秘女士”获了大奖应该算是公众人物,不应该拒绝媒体报道、拍照,也不应该不透露姓名,因为在以往的 * * 获奖者中,不是都有要求披彩戴花上台领奖,并且讲述摸奖过程,从而激发更多的人投入买 * * 吗5.“至于公众人物的界定,法律上暂无规定。”方律师介绍说,对于公众人物的理解,人们在生活和社会交往中个人有个人的看法。他个人认为,公众人物应该是负有一定的职责,有义务在公众面前对有关问题进行解释的人员,比如有的公务员,他所管理的事务涉及到社会公众事务,他有义务向公众解释。付律师也认为,对于公众人物,比如政府官员的隐私权是受限制的,我国法律规定官员的收入情况应向政府机构报告,对收入来源应做出解释;而普通人则可以解释也可以不解释。至于大奖得主并非对社会公众负有一定职责,也没有义务公开自己的身份和隐私。6.据了解,在我国民事法律中,隐私权是以名誉权的形式加以保护的。最高人民法院在司法解释中规定,以书面、口头等形式宣扬他人的隐私,或者捏造事实,公然丑化他人人格,以及用侮辱、诽谤等形式损害他人名誉,造成一定影响的,应当认为侵害公民名誉权的行为。对未经他人同意,擅自公布他人的隐私材料或以书面,口头形式宣扬他人隐私,致他人名誉受到损害的,按照侵害他人名誉权处理。描写真人真事的文学作品,对特定人进行侮辱、诽谤或披露隐私损害其名誉的;或者虽未写明真实姓名和住址,但事实是以特定人为描写对象,文中有侮辱、诽谤或披露隐私的内容,致其名誉受到损害的,应认定为侵害他人名誉权。

从政府制定政策的角度,就隐私权的界定和保护,提出对策建议。要求:有针对性,有条理,切实可行, 字数不超过350字。


参考答案:(1)立法应明确规定保护自然人的隐私权 我国民事法律发展较慢,民事法律中没有明确条款直接保护隐私权,只是参照人格权中相关的名誉权来予以保护,没有形成价值趋向明确的体系,对隐私权的保护十分不利,侵害隐私权的行为非常普遍。立法应明确规定隐私权的保护范围、概念、享有主体、以及隐私的范围。它是保护隐私权的前提和基础。 (2)有关机关和部门应加大隐私权保护力度,切实保护自然人的隐私权。 在明确的立法规定的前提下,执法、司法、行政等各部门,要切实保护公民隐私权。同时,通过对违法行为的追究,来加强对隐私权的保护。 (3)加大隐私权保护的宣传力度 利用新闻、出版、广播电视等各种宣传手段对隐私权进行宣传,使公众加深对隐私权的了解,提倡公众加强对自身隐私权的保护。


Before a big exam, a sound night’s sleep will do you more good than poring over textbooks. That, at least, is the folk wisdom. And science, in the form of behavioral psychology, supports that wisdom. But such behavioral studies cannot distinguish between two competing theories of why sleep is good for the memory. one says that sleep is when permanent memories form. The other says that they are actually formed during the day, but then "edited" at night, to flush away what is superfluous.
To tell the difference, it is necessary to look into the brain of a sleeping person, and that is hard. But after a decade of painstaking work, a team led by Pierre Maquet at Liege University in Belgium has managed to do it. The particular stage of sleep in which the Belgian group is interested in is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain and body are active, heart rate and blood pressure increase, the eyes move back and forth behind the eyelids as if watching a movie, and brainwave traces resemble those of wakefulness. It is during this period of deep that people are most likely to relive events of the previous day in dreams.
Dr. Maquet used an electronic device called PET to study the brains of people as they practiced a task during the day, and as they slept during the following night. The task required them to press a button as fast as possible, in response to a light coming on in one of six positions. As they learnt how to do this, their response times got faster. What they did not know was that the appearance of the lights sometimes followed a pattern--what is referred to as "artificial grammar". Yet the reductions in response time showed that they learnt faster when the pattern was present than when there was not.
What is more, those with more to learn (i. e. , the "grammar", as well as the mechanical task of pushing the button) have more active brains. The "editing" theory would not predict that, since the number of irrelevant stimuli would be the same in each case. And to eliminate any doubts that the experimental subjects were learning as opposed to unlearning, their response times when they woke up were even quicker than when they went to sleep.
The team, therefore, concluded that the nerve connections involved in memory are reinforced through reactivation during REM sleep, particularly if the brain detects an inherent structure in the material being learnt. So now, on the eve of that crucial test, maths students can sleep soundly in the knowledge that what they will remember the next day are the basic rules of algebra and not the incoherent talk from the radio next door.

By referring to the artificial grammar, the author intends to show ______ A. its significance in the study.
