问题 问答题




解析:(1)概念的转变:随着实践的要求,科学水平的提高,新物质的发现,以及对自然和社会认识的不断深入变化,使概念的内涵得到充实,外延不断扩大。概念转变,就是个体原有的某种知识经验由于受到与此不一致的新经验的影响而发生的重大改变。这里的“概念”是指某种观念,指个体关于某一对象的观点、看法。 概念的变化有两种可能:一种可称为“丰富”,即新知识的纳入充实了现有知识,通过积累的方式使这些知识发生变化。另一种情况可以称为“修订”,这是指新获得的信息与原有信念、假定或理解之间存在冲突,因而要对彼此对立的理解作出调整。 (2)概念转变的过程:概念转变是学习过程中新、旧经验相互作用的集中体现,是新经验对已有经验的改造。概念转变过程是认知冲突的引发及其解决的过程,学习者首先要意识到新经验与原有观念之间的不一致,从而产生一种“冲突感”,在此基础上,学习者要对新、旧经验及其有关的事实、观念进行分析和判断,思考各自的合理性、正确性,直至对新、旧知识经验作出某种调整,以解决它们之间的冲突。 (3)引发认知冲突。认知冲突指人的原有图式与新感受到的事件或客体之间的对立性矛盾。分类:①直接经验中的认知冲突与间接经验中的认知冲突;②现实概念的冲突与潜在概念的冲突;③针锋相对的认知冲突与可兼容的认知冲突。 (4)认知冲突的解决与概念转变。主要有这几种:①径直地或经过认真分析之后拒绝新概念;②通过三种可能的方式纳入新概念:第一,机械记忆;第二,概念更换:以新概念代替旧概念,并与其他概念相协调;第三,概念获取。总体来说,是从具体到抽象,从模糊到比较精确;从较多的概念形式发展到更多的概念同化;从未意识到这些概念的心理过程发展到自觉的受意识控制。


I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I’m in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back in New York. There, “I’m having a dinner party” means “I’m booking a table for 12 at a restaurant you can’t afford and we’ll be sharing the cheque evenly, no matter what you eat.”

Worse, in Manhattan there is always someone who leaves before the bill arrives. They’ll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who don’t drink, end up paying even more. But if I try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout “Where are you going?” And it’s not like I can say I have somewhere to go : everyone knows I have nowhere to go.

But in London, dinner parties are in people’s homes. Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India, Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations. In New York, the mix is less striking. It’s like a gathering at Bloomingdale’s, a well-known department store.

For New Yorkers, talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in New York. But at Mallery’s, when I said that I had been to Myanmar recently, people knew where it was. In New York people would think it was a usual new club.

小题1:What does the word “shot” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?




D.Goal.小题2:What does the author dislike most about dinner parties in New York?

A.There is a strange mix of people.

B.The restaurant are expensive.

C.The bill is not fairly shared.

D.People have to pay cash.小题3:What does the author think of the parties in London?

A.A bit unusual.

B.Full of tricks.

C.Less costly.

D.More interesting.小题4:What is the author’s opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience?




D.Conservative.小题5:What is the main idea of this article?

A.The author hated dinner parties.

B.The author prefer dinner parties in London to those in New York.

C.The difference between London and New York.

D.Mallery invited the author to a party.