问题 简答题


材料一 丞相绾等言:“诸侯初破,燕、齐、荆地远,不为置王,毋以填(镇)之。请立诸子,唯上幸许。”……廷尉李斯议曰:“周文武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇雠,诸侯更相诛伐,周天子弗能禁止。今海内赖陛下神灵一统,皆为郡县,诸子功臣以公赋税重赏赐之,甚足易制。天下无异意,则安宁之术也。置诸侯不便。”


材料二 元初西北藩王遣使入朝质问:“本朝旧俗与汉法异,今留汉地,建都邑城郭,仪文制度,遵用汉法,其故何如?”


材料三 (元)世祖皇帝建元中统以来,始采取故老诸儒之言,考求前代之典,立朝廷而建官府,辅相者曰:中书省……夫外郡县,其朝廷远者,则镇之以行中书省……













单项选择题 A1/A2型题

Like all the huge metropolises of the world, there are lots of diversions both outdoors and indoors in Chicago. The Art Institute of Chicago has one of the world’s (1) art collections, including more French Impressionist paintings than even in the Paris Louvre itself. The Field Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Science and Industry are also great historical and cultural treasure houses to (2) as well as entertain children and adults (3) In the Field Museum one comes (4) a surprisingly big collection of Chinese exhibits from the ancient (5) to the early century. The Sears Tower and the Buckingham Fountain are the pride of the Chicagoans; (6) having 110 storeys is said to be the highest tower in the world and the (7) is the largest fountain in the United States. Lake Michigan is for yachting in summer time, (8) the highlights of Chicago life all the year round are concerts, operas and plays (9) by the city’s orchestra, opera houses and theatres. In summer, especially around the Independence Day, July 4th, many festivals and fairs are given outdoors, which, (10) crowds and crowds of people, with their parades, fireworks, (11) concerts, water-skiing and good foods.

But with all its attractions and beautiful spots Chicago is also a city (12) for crimes. All the dwelling houses are (13) with three doors and visitors have to speak through microphone (14) in the wall to the residents before they can get admitted. In the streets there are white-color telephones. When one finds oneself (15) , he needs only to knock the receiver (16) the hook and the next instant the police will (17) . If one does not drive a car, it may well be dangerous for him or her to go out alone in the evening. At first I did not take this warning seriously. (18) , my two encounters with the Black people (19) dusk in the neighborhood were so unpleasant and frightening that I have (20) shut myself evenings in my room, in almost all studying, imposing a curfew on myself.


A. the first

B. the former

C. the previous

D. the formal