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被告人范某同某金属厂女工林某(17岁)乱搞两性关系。后来二人发生矛盾而断绝来往。此后林某又与厂青年技术员王某多次发生两性关系。范知道后,在4月的一天晚上8时许,强迫林某领其到王家,将王叫出,范即上前,左手抓住王的脖领,右手拿着三棱刮刀对准王的腹部,追问王为何与林乱搞,并指出:“认打认罚?如认打,就用刀在脸上划十字;认罚,就把电视机交出来。”王说电视机已卖掉了,范便一手挥舞着三棱刮刀,一边对林某说:“搜搜他的家里,看有什么值钱的。”林某看后说没有。范某又对王某说:“先把表留下。”王说:“表是朋友小李的。”范威胁说:“表是要定了,你再说废话,就捅了你。”王被迫交出手表,林某遂将手表戴在自己手上。范又说:“你必须在明晚8时整到某102路电车终点站前一电线杆处送交 8000元。”事后王将上述经过报告公安机关,被告人被抓获。











Section A

Directions: Read the following passage and complete the diagram by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each numbered blank.

Frederic Chopin is one of the most romantic figures in musical biography. He was dreamy and tender(温柔的). Chopin was born at a village near Warsaw, in Poland, on the 22nd of February 1810.

In his early years Chopin showed himself very interested in music. He was only nine when he made his first public appearance. Chopin had been studying with Elsner, the director of Warsaw Conservatoire, for some time when his father thought it would be good for him to have a little tour before settling down to the practice of his profession. Thus a tour was arranged, Berlin was the first place visited where he heard a lot of music. And then came an important visit to “the beautiful musical Vienna.” There he was surrounded with requests to play in public. After Vienna, he visited Prague and Dresden, where he met more musical celebrities.

It was Paris where he decided to perfect his technique that Chopin finally settled in. The performance came off in 1832, and though the audience was small the artistic success was great. Prince Radziwill took him to a party at the Rothsehilds. He was asked to play, and he played so beautifully that he was drowned with praise. Thus was the young Pole(波兰人)launched on his career of popularity in Paris.

Pauter says truly that Chopin never in his life wrote a bar of music that contained an inferior idea. And there was nothing vulgar (粗俗的) about himself. Nobody knew him better than George Sand. She says, “Gentle, sensitive, and very lovely, he united the charm of adolescence with sincerity of a more mature age.”