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个体经营户朱某,于2005年2月21日,在未取得县工商局核发的营业执照的情况下,私自出售熟肉制品。由于该熟食制品未经过卫生行政部门检验鉴定,且朱某将隔了三天的熟食制品出售给附近居民,致使10余人发生不同程度的中毒。县卫生局接到举报后,经调查核实,对朱某处以罚款,并将朱某无证经营的情况反映给了县工商局,工商局对朱某无证经营的行为处以罚款。朱某对两个部门的行政处罚均表示不服,分别向各该行政机关的上级部门申请复议,复议机关均维持了原处罚决定。朱某不服,委托律师以违反《行政处罚法》第24条“对当事人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上罚款”的规定向县人民法院提起诉讼。那么本案中两个机关的行为是否违背一事不再罚原则( )







解析: 一事不再罚原则是指针对行政相对人的一个违法行为,不能给予多次处罚。一事不再罚的内容包括两个方面:①针对同一个违法行为,不能给予两次或两次以上的同一种类的行政处罚。具体包含两层意思:针对同一个违法行为,一个处罚主体或者多个处罚主体不能依据同一个法律规范再次作出处罚;针对一个违法行为,一个处罚主体或者多个处罚主体不能根据不同的法律规范作出同一种类的处罚。②行政处罚与刑罚都是国家对违法行为的法律制裁,应采取折价竞合方式。即行政拘留可折抵相应的刑期,行政罚款可折抵相应的罚金。《行政处罚法》第24条规定,“对当事人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上罚款的行政处罚。”本案中县工商局和县卫生局依据不同事由对朱某处以罚款,不违反一事不再罚的原则,C、D正确。

     "So teach him to close the door", my daughter Emma responded after listening to me   1  , again, about the
dog coming in from the back door, bringing with him a blast of Buffalo January   2   air.
     Teach a dog to close a door behind him? That has got to be a really, really   3   thing to do.But then she took
it a step   4  . "Come on Kolby", she said, grabbing (抓住) some treats and   5   him in front of the open door.
"Touch." And "touch" he did, which moved the door to a   6   position. She   7   him with a treat, smiled, looked
at me, and said "see!" And I saw and became   8  . Over the last few days I have been consistent (一致的) with
Kolby. Each time he comes in I   9   him back to the open door patiently and ask him to close.There have been
  10  in the beginning, but lately more and more successes.
     However, there remains much work to be done.I have to get him follow my hand signal again and again  11 
 he will close the door from a distance. But, I now realize, as long as you keep to the  12 , the task will be
completed, and, with the way things are progressing,  13  quickly.
     What a  14   treat to have a dog that can close the door after himself! Even more wonder can be found in
the  15  I learned so clearly from both Emma and Kolby.
    A wish is just a wish until you decide to take  16 . Once you  17  the belief that it is"too hard", then it remains
"too hard" and out of  18  . Once you decide to accomplish a goal, and  19   that it is"easy", then it becomes
"easy" to do what needs to be done. Just  20  doing it.
( )1. A. complain  
( )2. A. thin      
( )3. A. last      
( )4. A. again    
( )5. A. pushing  
( )6. A. stopped  
( )7. A. rewarded  
( )8. A. persuaded 
( )9. A. bring    
( )10. A. pleasures 
( )11. A. in case  
( )12. A. interest 
( )13. A. determined
( )14. A. wonderful 
( )15. A. knowledge
 ( )16. A. patience 
( )17. A. hold on to
( )18. A. date    
( )19. A. prove    
( )20. A. imagine. 
B. scream          
B. fresh          
B. funny          
B. further        
B. tying          
B. fixed          
B. provided        
B. convinced      
B. pull            
B. experiments    
B. even if         
B. focus          
B. taught          
B. small          
B. skills          
B. part            
B. pay attention to 
B. touch          
B. decide          
B. start          
C. worry        
C. dirty      
C. hard      
C. deeper    
C. seating    
C. closed  
C. offered      
C. inspired 
C. drag        
C. failures 
C. as if        
C. progress 
C. bought      
C. different 
C. lessons    
C. delight    
C. come up with 
C. reach     
C. conclude    
C. keep    

D. scare                   
D. cold                  
D. possible              
D. backward              
D. positioning           
D. locked              
D. thanked                 
D. puzzled             
D. call                    
D. pauses              
D. so that                 
D. harmony             
D. completed               
D. simple              
D. experience            
D. action                
D. get used to             
D. power               
D. realize                 
D. enjoy