A breast-feeding neonate will turn his head toward the mother’s breast in a natural instinct to find food. What is the name of this reflex()
A. Tonic neck reflex.
B. Moro’s reflex.
C. Grasp reflex.
D. Rooting reflex.
The rooting reflex is a neonate’s response to having his cheek stroked. The neonate will turn his head to the side of the stroked cheek and will open his mouth in anticipation of having a nipple placed in it. The tonic neck reflex is elicited by turning the neonate’s head to the side when he’s lying on his back. The extremities on the same side extend and those on the other side flex. Moro’s reflex is the startle reflex. For example, when the neonate’s crib is jolted, the neonate abducts his arms and extends them. The grasp reflex occurs when the neonate curls his fingers around another person’s fingers.