单独关税区是指一个与其他领土之间的大部分贸易保持着单独税率或其他单独贸易规章的地区。 ( )
Divorce is the act by which a valid marriage is dissolved, usually freeing the parties to remarry. In regions in (1) ancient (2) authority still predominates, divorce may be (3) and rare, especially when, as among Roman Catholics and Hindus, the religious (4) views marriage (5) indissoluble. Custom, (6) , may make divorce a simple matter in (7) societies. (8) some Pueblo Indian tribes a woman could divorce her husband (9) leaving his moccasins on the doorstep. The (10) of individual determination and mutual (11) are making divorce (12) acceptable in the (13) parts of the world.
Among premodern societies, the rate of marital stability is difficult to (14) (15) the varying definitions of (16) and divorce. It seems to be broadly true (17) wherever divorce is a legal impossibility the wedding is a well-defined event conducted with (18) formality. The (19) principle does not hold true: elaborate marriage ceremonial is quite compatible with high divorce rates. Many anthropologists agree that divorce is generally more permissible in matrilineal societies (20) in patrilineal ones, in which the procreative and sexual rights of the bride are often symbolically transferred to the husband with the payment of bride-price.
[问题4] 在某安装Windows XP操作系统的PC上安装无线网卡后,切换到用于添加无线网络的“无线网络属性”对话框的“关联”选项卡,如图2-31所示。通过配置图2-31中“ (9) ”参数值可指定本机所要加入的无线网络。若将图2-31中“网络验证”下拉列表框选择为“开放式”,则“数据加密”下拉列表框可供选择的值有“己禁用”和“ (10) ”。 (9) A.网络名(SSID) B.网络验证 C.数据加密 D.密钥索引 (10) A.TKIP B.WEP C.AES D.RC-5