问题 填空题

We might marvel at the process made in every field of study, but the method of testing a person’s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It really is extraordinary that after all these years educationists have still failed to devise anything more efficient and reliable than examinations.
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They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person’s true ability and aptitude.
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Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t feeling very well, or that your mother died. Little things like that don’t count: the exam goes on. no one can give of his best when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of "dropouts": young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students
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Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming. They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all freedom. Teachers themselves are often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise. The most successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are best trained in the technique of working under duress.
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Examiners are only human. They get tried and hungry; they make mistakes. Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time. They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates. And their word carries weight. After a judge’s decision you have the right of appeal, but not after an examiner’s.
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Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them This is what it boils down to in the last analysis. The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: "I were a teenage drop-out and now I am a teenage millionaire."
[A] A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the students are encouraged to memorize.
[B] The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner.
[C] Examinations can be taken as a test of a student’s knowledge about a particular subject which would tell the student where he stands among others, and how much he knows and how much he ought to know.
[D] As anxiety-makers examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends on them. They are the mark of success or failure in our society.
[E] The student appearing for the exam takes it under extreme tension and pressure because he knows that he has only one chance to prove his worth and if he fails, he will be left behind for the rest of his life.
[F] For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite.
[G] There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person’s true abilities.




单项选择题 A1/A2型题

21世纪,富人与穷人的健康问题将空前紧密地交织在一起,疾病的全球化意味着人们健康的相互依存。世界卫生组织发表的《消除卫生发展的障碍》报告指出,病毒和细菌严重地威胁着各国的稳定和经济发展。目前,在全球的死亡青年和儿童中,半数以上是罹患①诸如艾滋病、疟疾、肺结核、麻疹、腹泻②和肺炎等传染病。仅1998年一年,这些疾病在全世界就夺去了1100万人的生命。以艾滋病为例,自1981年在美国发现首例艾滋病以来,艾滋病毒在全球以惊人的速度蔓沿③,逐渐[ ]成当前迫切需要解决的全球性问题。目前,在所有国家和地区都发现艾滋病病毒的感染者,一些国家的成年艾滋病患者已超过其总人口的1%。据不完全统计,截至④2000年底,全世界有2200多万人死于艾滋病,3610万人正忍受艾滋病的折磨.艾滋病毒已跨越国界,任何希望把艾滋病挡在国门之外的想法都是不切实际的。此外,全球气候变暖也利于某些疾病的传播。曾经a只限制b在世界c某些地区发作的登革热和疟疾d正在向新的地区扩散。因为在过去15年中,北京许多地区变得更加潮湿和温暖.使蚊子得以在更大的范围内滋生,疟疾的发病率明显上升。随着地球气候的变化,许多疾病的全球化将成为日益严重的现实问题。

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