Passage 1
We are already cooperating more closely, on more issues, than ever before. Britain’s strongest bilateral relations have always been based on trade. That is why I am coming to China with a group of senior British business executives. All have significant investments and long-term commitments in China. They personify the rapidly expanding commercial relationship between our two countries. British trade with China increased by 15 percent last year. British exports to China increased by 26 percent in the same period.
Britain is also Europe’s leading investor in China: 5.3 billion dollars by the end of last year, with another 8 billion dollars on the way. Other aspects of our relationship have also prospered; over 5,000 Chinese students are now studying in Britain. There are growing cultural links too. The new partnership between Britain and China also extends to sport. Britain has a lot to offer China. We are increasingly strong in the knowledge-based industries of the future. One third of Europe’s biotechnology companies are located in Britain.