问题 单项选择题

The following two questions refer to the following passage:

A prestigious private high school has made available to local families a tuition prepayment plan to ease the burden of paying the school’s hefty tuition when a student matriculates. The plan allows parents of children under three years old to reserve a spot for their child at the school by making a payment of one-fourth of the current annual tuition for the high school. The parents then make an identical payment every year for the next 15 years, and the student’s full four-year tuition is considered paid in full, regardless of how much the regular tuition payments have risen in the intervening years.

Under which of the following circumstances would taking part in the prepayment plan NOT be advisable for parents ?()

A. If the tuition at the school has risen an average of 4 percent per year for the last twenty years

B. If the child in question is particularly talented at math, but the high school is more known for its advanced humanities programs than its math program

C. If the parents of the child in question are uncertain that they will reside in the state for more than 10 years

D. If the school has an arrangement with the local university whereby students can take courses at the University if they have surpassed the level of courses offered at the high school

E. If the school offers athletic scholarships to a small number of talented athletes




If the parents are uncertain that they will be in the state in 10 years, then it does not make sense for them to prepay tuition for a high school that the child may not be able to attend. Answer A says nothing about the future rate of tuition increases, and does not provide other relevant financial information, such as the rate of inflation and the rate of return that the parents could get if the same amount of money were invested elsewhere. Answer B is a reason for the child to perhaps choose another school, although the mathematics program might still be better than all local alternatives; in any event, B does not relate to the advisability of taking part in the prepayment plan. Answer E is incorrect because it would be inadvisable for parents to make financial decisions based on the assumption that their child would win an athletic scholarship.
