Imports from Asian countries are more competitive than U.S. home-made products because of lower wages in Asia and the exemption of duties for imported goods shipped to the United States.
解析: Foreign laborers, especially Asian ones earning low wages, are pictured as working willingly for American capitalists abroad who pay slightly better than average wages; while the former learn otherwise inaccessible technology and produce sophisticated goods that compete with domestic American goods, even allowing for shipping charges and import duties.语义逻辑推理判断。根据原文可知,对于美国海外资本家来说使用外国劳力,尤其是亚洲国家的劳力费用非常低。而这些国家却从此得到先进技术,生产尖端产品。这些产品,即使在增加运费和进口税的水平上仍可与美国国内制造的产品竞争。由此可见海外美国人使用亚洲劳力制造的产品,即使有运费和进口税的压力,仍然可与美国本土制造的产品竞争。显然这与题干中所言进口美国的商品免除税费的说法不相符。因此,题干的说法是错误的。 注意:掌握短语含义。原文中“allowing for…”意为“将……计算在内”,而题干中“the exemption of”意为“免除”,二者含义正好相反。