Which of the following statement is NOT true of therapeutic cloning
A.Therapeutic cloning is used mainly for research purposes and therefore should be allowed to continue.
B.Therapeutic cloning is used for medical purposes and not for reproducing full human beings.
C.Therapeutic cloning is used for replacing the diseased parts of human organs.
D.Brain cell can be used in the future to cure the Parkinson’s disease.
解析:语义的判断和推理。原文讨论的主题是therapeutic cloning(用于治疗的克隆技术),根据原文可知克隆可用于繁殖和治疗,用于治疗的克隆细胞可作为stem cells(干细胞),由于它与原供应体的DNA一样,所以可以成功用于原供应体的移植。克隆技术对帕金森症的治疗有广阔的前景。由此可见,只有选项a的说法与原文不符,因此,该选项是正确答案。 注意:抓住原文中的关键词做出正确的推断,如therapeutic(治疗的)与选项a中research(研究)意思相左。