问题 判断题

分期收款销售方式下,企业应在所有贷款全部收齐后,才能确认销售收入。 ( )



解析: 分期收款销售方式下,企业应按照合同约定的收款日期分期确认销售收入。



No fight can end, and no friendship can move on, until everyone says these little words: I’m sorry. Sometimes, though, they can be difficult to say. __小题1:

It’s not about winning.

Friendships aren’t like the Super Bowl, and there should never be a winner and a loser. When you start fighting with a friend, it may feel important that you “win” the fight by proving you’re right and he is wrong, or by making him be the first to apologize.

In reality, you’ll BOTH LOSE if you let your fight ruin your friendship, and you will BOTH WIN if you find a way to heal it.


You may have heard the expression “His pride stood in the way.” It is usual used to describe a person who is determined to be “right” that he lets an opportunity for happiness pass him by forever. __小题3:_ Remember: as time goes on, we usually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement, and only remember the sadness of losing a friend.

Take the first step.

Are you sick of fighting? Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin your friendship?

小题4:__ You don’t have to take full responsibility(责任)for starting the fight, or even say that your feelings were wrong. But you should find something you did or said that’s worth apologizing for. Maybe you’re sorry that you let the fight go for so long, or that you overreacted(反应过度)to something your friend did. If you say you’re sorry, it’s like an invitation for your friend to do the same.___小题5:__

A.Then try to be the first to apologize.

B.Stop thinking about your pride.

C.It’s about taking some responsibility for the argument.

D.Don’t let this happen to a friendship you care about.E.  Here are some things to keep in mind.

F.  There are some special cases when you shouldn’t be the one to apologize first.

G.  Once you’ve both said it, you’ll both feel a million times better.