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2006年,赵某、钱某、孙某、李某四人共同组建了S市绿源食品有限责任公司,其中赵某出资人民币 1 500万元,出任公司经理兼法定代表人,钱某注资人民币500万元及厂房一栋,经评估厂房价值1 200万元;孙某以其所持的某上市公司M公司无记名股票80万股作为出资,经评估每股价值12.5元,李某出资人民币500万元,并以其所持有的N公司品牌店特许经营权出资,经评估价值800万元。在S市工商局注册登记以后,公司运营情况良好,产品远销新加坡、日本、香港等国家和地区。为增加收益、拓宽经营范围,四人召开股东会,表决决定将一部分资金投资到其他行业。2007年6月2日,绿源公司与胡某、韩某共同投资设立了合伙形式的家园茶叶厂。合伙合同中约定,绿源公司出资4 500万元,胡某出资l 000万元,韩某以其土地使用权出资,作价2 000万元;聘请顾某担任经理,作为代表人负责企业的日常经营管理业务;绿源公司不参加管理,不执行合伙事务,仅参与利润分配。2007年7月20日,赵某在代表绿源公司参加华北地区食品展销会时遇到W市亚星农产品公司销售代表金某,交谈中金某表示亚星公司欲高价收购一批茶叶,并由买方承担运输费用。赵某认为利润丰厚、机不可失,遂以绿源公司名义代表家园茶叶厂与亚星公司签订了30 000公斤茶叶的购销合同。后胡某、韩某得知此合同,提出亚星公司商业信誉极差,拒绝履行该合同,导致家园茶叶厂损失300万元。2007年8月1日,顾某在与T市立特公司签订合同时收受贿赂而接受了对企业不利的条件,导致家园茶叶厂遭受巨大损失。韩某气愤之下于2007年8月5日宜布退伙,经与绿源公司和胡某协商后取回资金1 000万元。至2007年8月30日,家园茶叶厂负债已达8 000万元,合伙人决定解散,并由赵某、胡某及聘请的会计师一人组成清算组。清算时发现,家园茶叶厂财产共计5 000万元,其中韩某所出资的土地使用权仅价值500万元,2007年8月5日韩某退伙时企业债务总额为6 000万元。




解析:家园茶叶厂的财产在支付清算费用和职工工资、社会保险费用。法定补偿金以及缴纳所欠税款后用于清偿债务,对于2007年8月5扫时的6 000万元债务,由韩某和胡某承担连带赔偿责任,绿源公司以4 500万元出资为限承担责任,对于2007年8月5日至2007年日月30日企业解散清算时增加的2 000万元债务,由胡某承担连带赔偿责任,绿源公司以4 500万元出资为限承担责任。[考点] 合伙企业的破产分配 《合伙企业法》第89条规定,合伙企业财产在支付清算费用和职32T资、社会保险费用、法定补偿金以及缴纳所欠税款、清偿债务后的剩余财产,依照本法第33条第1款的规定进行分配。因而家园茶叶厂的财产必须先行支付上述法条规定中的款项。《合伙企业法》第53条规定,退休人对基于其退伙前的原因发生的合伙企业债务,承担无限连带责任。因而韩某对于2007年8月5日退伙时合伙企业的债务,仍然必须承担无限连带责任。《合伙企业法》第2条第3款规定,有限合伙企业由普通合伙人和有限合伙人组成,普通合伙人对合伙企业债务承担无限连带责任,有限合伙人以其认缴的出资额为限对合伙企业债务承担责任。因而普通合伙人韩某和胡某需承担连带责任,而绿源公司只需以其4 500万元出资为限承担责任。




Although women lead healthier, longer lives, the cruel perception that they reach their sell-by date and become “old” sooner than men is widespread in the workplace, research shows.

A survey of more than 2,600 managers and personnel professionals showed that age discrimination is not only common in the workplace, but is full of inconsistencies(矛盾). Six in ten managers thought that they had suffered from age discrimination——usually because they were turned down for a job for being too old or too young. Yet more than a fifth admitted that they used age as a condition when they employ new workers.

Although the survey found widespread agreement that older workers were better than younger colleagues when it came to reliability, commitment, loyalty and customer service, these qualities were not necessarily considered to be worthy of advancement. More than half of respondents believed that workers between 30 and 39 were the most likely to be advanced in their company, with only 2 per cent citing (引证)50-year-olds or above.

Dianah Worman of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development said that there was anecdotal evidence that people were considered old at different ages in different sectors. “We heard of one man working in IT who said he was considered too old by the age of 28,”she said.“There was no evidence to suggest that older workers were less valuable to companies than younger workers, in fact the opposite was often true because older workers often brought experience.” she added.

The findings also suggested that the Government’s ideas on age in the workforce may also be out of step with reality.

68. The text is mainly about ______.

A. the government’s idea on age in workforce 

B. age discrimination in the workforce

C. the people who find work            

D. the discussion about who is worth promoting

69. The underlined word “sell-by date” in paragraph 1 probably refers to______.

A. the age when they retire   

B. the age when they should be promoted

C. the date on which they’re sold 

D. the date when they sell goods

70. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to ______.

A. tell the government to employ older workers 

B. criticize managers who treat workers unfairly

C. report the findings of a survey    

D. show he objects to age discrimination
