问题 单项选择题

《海洋星球》是一部编排细致、表现手法新颖的环保纪录片。影片用几句________的开场白点明人与海洋关系的主题后,便将镜头对准了40亿年前的太古时期。我们通过画面了解到,洋流如何孕育了生命的雏形,藻类如何引发了新生命的爆发,海洋生物如何互相追逐捕食,形成________的生物链。  依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )

A.开门见山 绵延不绝

B.提纲挈领 环环相扣

C.铿锵有力 唇齿相依

D.醍醐灌顶 密不可分






To emigrate means to move to another country and start a new life.   小题1:    Also, it is the surest way to change a man’s life completely.

Nowadays, emigration is especially important to scientists and people possessing unique skills and talents.   小题2:   Also, emigration might be your answer to all the difficult questions life brought to you. And, of course, if you are a scientist with a PH.D. degree and your country does not believe your research to deserve adequate funding, emigration may be your only way to continue professional activities.

 小题3:  European finest professionals, talented scientists, engineers, inventors, doctors, writers, musicians, actors, artists, athletes began moving to the US soon after the end of the World War II.

 小题4:  The United States is still attracting people from all walks of life. And most capable and talented among them are most welcome there. Even during the world economic crisis, America remains a country with the most stable economy and best funded research and development institutions. Thousands of immigrants arrive in the US every day in search of success and recognition.   小题5: 

A.The USA is suffering from brain drain most in the world.

B.Emigration is and always has been an ultimate answer to challenges of life.

C.Emigration is becoming more and more serious in less-developed countries.

D.Today, sixty years later, that emigration of talents called brain drain still exists.E.Emigration of people who can make a great contribution to scientific and cultural fields is not a new phenomenon.

F.People consider the USA as the perfect place where one can reap the best rewards for creativity and knowledge.

G.If your talent in music or literature, theater or painting seems not in need of in your country, emigration might be your best bet to achiever your creative goals.
