问题 单项选择题

The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others.

These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.

Increasingly over the last few years, corporations involved in patent litigation have opted to settle the lawsuit rather than facing the protracted legal expenses of a court battle.()

A. have opted to settle the lawsuit rather than facing

B. have opted settling the lawsuit instead of facing

C. have opted to settle the lawsuit rather than face

D. had opted for settlement of the lawsuit instead of facing

E. had opted to settle the lawsuit rather than face




A is incorrect because it employs a nonparallel construction with "to settle" and "facing." In B, "have opted settling" is unidiomatic. D and E both incorrectly use the past perfect tense ("had opted"), which is inappropriate because the introductory clause "over the last few years" implies that the action in question began in the past and has continued into the present; past perfect is used for actions that terminated in the past. C is the best answer.
