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第三篇 中国西藏自治区位于青藏高原的主体,地势高峻,地理特殊,野生动植物资源、水资源和矿产资源丰富,素有“世界屋脊”和“地球第三极”之称。这里不仅是南亚、东南亚地区的“江河源”和“生态源”,还是中国乃至东半球气候的“启动器”和“调节区”。// 西藏自治区面积122万平方公里,平均海拔在4000米以上,有着独特的自然生态和地理环境。西藏的气候自东南向西北由暖热湿润向寒冷干旱呈递次过渡,自然生态由森林、灌丛、草甸、草原到荒漠呈带状更迭。复杂多样的地形地貌和特殊的生态系统类型,为生物多样性营造了天然乐园。// 中国政府高度重视西藏的生态建设与环境保护,为加强西藏的生态建设与环境保护,促进西藏经济、社会可持续发展,提高各族人民的生活质量,做出了巨大的努力。//半个多世纪以来,西藏的生态建设与环境保护作为西藏现代化建设的一项重要内容,与经济发展、社会进步、人民生活的提高同步推进,取得了重大成就。//回顾西藏生态建设与环境保护事业发展的历程,展示西藏生态建设与环境保护的现状,昭示西藏可持续发展的前景,有助于澄清人们对西藏生态环境问题的误解,增进对西藏的了解。// (节选自中国国务院新闻办于2003年3月发布的《西藏的生态建设与环境保护》白皮书)



解析:China’s Tibet Autonomous Region is situated on the main body of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. With high altitude, unique geographical features and rich wildlife, water and mineral resources, it has been called the "Roof of the World" and the "Third Pole of the Earth." It is not only the "source of rivers" and the "ecological source" for the areas in South and Southeast Asia, but is also the "starter" and "regulating area" of the climate of China and indeed of the Eastern Hemisphere as a whole. // The Tibet Autonomous Region is 1.22 million sq km in area, with an average altitude of well over 4,000m. above sea level. It boasts a unique natural ecology and geographical environment. The climate in Tibet turns gradually from being warm and moist to cold and dry from its southeast toward its northwest. Ecologically, the changes are manifested in belts from forest, bush, meadow and steppe to desert. The complex and varied terrains and landforms as well as the unique type of ecological system have created a natural paradise for biodiversity. // The Chinese government attaches great importance to ecological improvement and environmental protection in Tibet. It has made tremendous efforts to strengthen ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet, promote the sustainable development of its economy and society, and improve the quality of life of the people of its various ethnic groups. // For over half a century, ecological improvement and environmental protection in Tibet, as an important part of the effort to modernize Tibet, has, together with economic development, social progress and enhancement of people’s riving standards, pressed forward and made great achievements. // It would help clarify some people’s misunderstanding concerning Tibet’s eco-environmental problem and enhance their understanding of Tibet to review the progress of the ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet, to present the status quo of this undertaking, and to envisage the prospects of sustainable development for the region. // (Excerpts from the English version of the White Paper "Ecological Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet" issued by the Information Office of the State Council of PRC in March 2003)
