问题 问答题

人们通常将党政机关和国有企事业的主要负责人称为“一把手”,“一把手”既是权力的主要行使者,又是权力行使后果的第一责任人,地位举足轻重。“一把手”个人素质的高低,权力运作的好坏,不仅关系到其本人的能力与形象,而且直接关系到单位的兴衰成败。由于“一把手”大权在握,如监督不力或机制上存在漏洞,很容易滋生腐败。  ××县检察院对近年来查办职务犯罪的情况进行了统计,当地“一把手”职务犯罪现象呈逐渐上升的势头。1997年至2003年7月底,该院共立案查办“一把手”职务犯罪案件32件32人,其中1997年4件4人,2000年6件6人,2002年7件7人,2003年1月至7月就已有6件6人。  通过对查办的案件进行分析,检察官总结出这类案件犯罪嫌疑人的主要特点呈六多:即党员多,党政、企业负责人多,受贿、贪污多,粮食、教育、电力系统发案多,大要案多,伙同下属犯罪多。此外,值得注意的是以“一把手”为首的窝案串案突出。如2000年该院查办的以县交通局原局长为首的窝案、串案涉案人员达9人,2002年查办的以原县粮食局长为首的窝案、串案涉案人员达12人。   问题:  是什么原因使这些“一把手”纷纷坠人犯罪的深渊泥请你作简要分析。  答题要求:  1.运用掌握的法学和社会知识阐释你认为正确的观点和理由;  2.说理充分,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确;  3.字数不少于500字。


参考答案:“一把手”纷纷坠入犯罪的深渊且呈上升势头,主要有以下几方面原因:  一是特权思想作祟。这些人党性观念不强,在特权思想的影响下,扭曲和变更权力的性质,贪图享乐,利用手中特权,为所欲为,大肆进行职务犯罪。  二是缺乏守法意识,心存侥幸心理。他们都懂法,知道什么是犯罪及其后果,但其法制观念不强,心存侥幸,对有关规定置若罔闻。  三是缺乏有效的监督。上级对下级只重工作和业绩,却弱化了相应的制约和监督;本单位的会计、审 计、纪检监察的监督形同虚设,因为他们不敢也无法监督。对“一把手”搞暗箱操作,从中渔利的情况,群众很难了解,也难以形成有效的监督。  四是打击力度不够。与侵犯财产罪相比,打击职务犯罪的力度明显要小一些,体现不出法律的威慑力。  如何才能预防和减少“一把手”犯罪首先要对他们加强思想政治教育,解决好权力观、地位观、利益观的问题;其次要加强法制教育,增强法律意识,使之自觉在思想上构筑法律的“高压线”,最后要加强有关立法工作,进一步加大打击力度。此外,还应加强对领导干部特别是主要领导干部行使权力的监督,对“一把手”强化监督,加强对其权力的制约,坚决依法办事,用法律法规来规范“一把手”的活动,避免权力的滥用。进一步建立健全并落实各项规章制度,如政务(校务、厂务)公开制、财产申报制、政府采购制、定期轮岗制、离任审计制、会计委派制、行风评议制及收支两条线等制度,以良好的制度防止腐败。加强财务管理,严禁私设“小金库”,铲除滋生腐败的土壤。要加强党委对预防职务犯罪工作的领导,并纳入 * * 斗争的总体格局,形成社会化大预防格局;逐步完善监督体系,使监督权力具体化、制度化、规范化,实现党内、行政、司法、舆论及群众监督相统一,纪律、法律、经济约束相协调的监督制约机制,使监督富有成效,还要完善民主集中制,坚持重大事项集体研究决定,杜绝暗箱操作。对违法行为及时查处,以警示干部、教育干部、挽救干部,对社会舆论大、影响不良而司法机关不能充分收集相关证据的干部,要求其引咎辞职。


In a country that defines itself" by ideals, not by shared blood, who should be allowed to work and live here In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks these questions have never seemed more pressing.
On Dec. 11, 2001, as part of the effort to increase homeland security, federal and local authorities in 14 states staged " Operation Safe Travel"—raids on airports to arrest employees with false identification. In Salt Lake City there were 69 arrests. But those captured were anything but terrorists, most of them illegal immigrants from Central or South American. Authorities said the undocumented worker’s illegal status made them open to blank mall by terrorists. Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods. Mayor Anderson said those feelings were justified to a certain extent. "We’re saying we want you to work in these places. We’re going to look the other way in terms of what our laws are, and then when it’s convenient for us, or when we can try to make a point in terms of national security, especially after Sept. 11, then you’re disposable. There are whole families being uprooted for all of the wrong reasons. " Anderson said.
If Sept. 11 had never happened, the airport workers would not have been arrested and could have gone on quietly living in America, probably indefinitely. Ana Castro, a manager at a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shop at the airport, had been working 10 years with the same false Social Security card when she was arrested in the December airport raid. Now she and her family are living under the threat of deportation. Castro’s case is currently waiting to be settled. While she awaits the outcome, the government has granted her permission to work here and she has returned to her job at Ben & Jerry’s.

What do we learn about And Castro from the last paragraph()

A.She will be deported sooner or later.

B.She is allowed to stay permanently.

C.Her case has been dropped.

D.Her fate remains uncertain.
