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参考答案:答案要点: 司法又被称为“法的适用”或“法律适用”,是指国家司法机关依照法定职权和程序,具体适用法律处理各种案件的专门活动。(2分) 它的主要特点是: (1)司法的被动性。行 * * 在运行时具有主动性,而司法权则具有被动性。司法权以“不告不理”为原则,非因诉方、控方请求不作主动干预。在没有人要求作出判断的时候,显然是没有判断的。否则,其判断结论在法律上属于无效行为。(2分) (2)司法的中立性。行 * * 在面临各种社会矛盾时,其态度具有鲜明的倾向性,而司法权则具有中立性。司法中立是指法院以及法官的态度不受其他因素,包括政府、政党、媒体等影响,至少在个案的判断过程中不应当受这些非法律因素的影响。司法权是权利的保护者,如果同一机构忽而忙于国家利益,忽而又将国家利益弃置一边、忙于维护正义,显然极不协调。只有判断者的态度是中立的,才可能产生公正、准确的判断。(3分) (3)司法的形式性。行 * * 注重权利结果的实质性,而司法权更注重权力过程的形式性。司法权以制定规则为标准,以现有诉讼中的证据(法律家所谓的“事实”)为条件,以相对间隔于社会具体生活的程序为方式,做出相对合理的判断,以接近政治局势稳定、经济效益增长、道德秩序健康、民众生活安宁等社会目标。(3分) (4)司法的专属性。行 * * 具有可转授性,司法权具有专属性。在司法中,承担司法判断职能的主体只能是特定的少数人,而不应当是其他任何人,其职权是专属的。因此,司法权不可转授,除非诉方或控方将需要判断的事项交给其他组织,如仲裁机构。(2分) (5)司法的终极性。行 * * 效力具有非终极性,司法权效力具有终极性。行 * * 虽 然具有强大的管理能力,但它是否合法、合理,不能由行政主体自己进行判断,因此需要由行使判断权的司法机关进行判断,司法审查权由此应运产生。行政处理虽然具有效力上的“先定力”“执行力”,但是一旦被司法审查,那么其效力随审查结果而定。行 * * 只有在少数场合才具有终极性,司法权的终极性意味着它是最终的判断权、最权威的判断权。(3分)


People are indulging in an illusion whenever they find themselves explaining at a cocktail (鸡尾酒) party, say, that they are "in computers," or "in telecommunications," or "in electronic funds transfer". The implication is that they are part of the high-tech world. Just between US, they usually aren’t. The researchers who made fundamental breakthroughs in those areas are in a high-tech business. The rest of us are (71) of their work. We use computers and other new technology components to develop our products or to organize our affairs. Because we go about this work in teams and projects and other tightly knit working groups(紧密联系在一起的工作小组), we are mostly in the human communication business. Our successes stem from good human interactions by all participants in the effort, and our failures stem from poor human interactions.

The main reason we tend to focus on the (72) rather than the human side of the work is not because it’s more (73) , but because it’s easier to do. Getting the new disk drive installed is positively trivial compared to figuring out why Horace is in a blue funk (恐惧) or why Susan is dissatisfied with the company after only a few months. Human interactions are complicated and never very crisp (干脆的, 干净利落的) and clean in their effects, but they matter more than any other aspect of the work.

If you find yourself concentrating on the (74) rather than the (75) , you’re like the vaudeville character (杂耍人物) who loses his keys on a dark street and looks for them on the adjacent street because, as he explains, "The light is better there!".





