问题 单项选择题

下列关于刑事责任年龄的说法不正确的是( )

C.行为人甲(15岁)与其同班一女生(13岁)谈恋爱,恋爱期间,偶尔与该女生发生性行为,但未造成严重后果,应当以强 * * 罪追究其刑事责任



解析: 本题考查刑事责任年龄。
我国《刑法》第17条规定:“已满十六周岁的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强 * * 、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。”对刑法第17条规定的8种犯罪行为,—既要严格遵守罪刑法定原则,但又不一定受罪名的限制。选项A中,刑法第17条虽没有规定绑架行为但规定了杀人行为,所以绑架后杀害人质的也符合该条的规定,应当以绑架罪追究刑事责任。选项B中,抢劫行为既包括抢劫普通财物,也包括抢劫枪支、弹药、爆炸物,因此,选项B也正确。



     A few weeks ago, we decided to paint(油漆)the outside of  our house.To save money, we decided to do it

ourselves. On Saturday morning,    we went to the shops and bought some paint and a number of brushes.   We

already had a ladder  (梯子),so we were then ready to start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house.

The next Saturday I went to a football match while my wife painted the front of the house. On Sunday we found

that we could not open any of the front windows.     We got them all open in the end but I  broke three and they

were very expensive to repair. Next time when we try to save money, I shall certainly pay someone to do the work.

1.Why did the writer and his wife decide to paint the house themselves? Because ________.

A.no one else could do the work

B.they didn't want to spend much money

C.they only need to buy some paint

D.windows were expensive to repair

2.Why will they pay someone to work for them next time?

Because they ________.

A.don't want to do the work themselves any more

B.have no paint and brushes

C.want to go to the football match together

D.want to save money

3."So we were then ready to start" means we ________.

A.had already started the work

B.had everything we need to begin the job

C.were always ready to do the work

D.were happy to start the work

4.On Sunday they could not open ________ of the front windows.





5.The writer broke ________ in the end.

A.three doors                

B.three glasses

C.two windows              

D.three windows
