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加强中非团结合作推动建设和谐世界中 * * 历来爱好和平,主张强不凌弱、富不侮贫,主张协和万邦。早在600年前,中国明代著名航海家郑和率领庞大船队4次到达非洲东海岸。他们给非洲人民带来的是和平的愿望和真诚的友谊,而不是刀剑枪炮和掠夺奴役。在近代以后的100多年中,中国人民曾经饱受列强的殖民侵略和压迫,同绝大多数非洲国家有着相似的历史遭遇和悲惨命运。中国人民从19世纪中叶到20世纪中叶开展的英勇的斗争,就是要反对殖民侵略和民族压迫,实现中 * * 的独立和中国人民的解放,进而建设人民当家作主的新国家。今天,中国人民早已实现了自己的百年夙愿,正在为创造自己更加美好的生活而团结奋斗。正因为有着这样刻骨铭心的历史经历和奋斗过程,所以中国人民最坚决地反对一切形式的殖民、压迫、奴役活动,最真诚地同情一切为争取民族独立和人民幸福而奋斗的民族,最深切地理解这些民族的愿望和要求。新中国成立后,中国政府和人民为非洲人民争取民族解放、反对殖民主义统治的英勇斗争提供了政治上、物质上、道义上的坚定支持。中国过去不会、现在不会、将来也决不会把自己的意志以及不平等的做法强加于其他国家,更不会做任何有损于非洲国家和人民的事。中国尊重非洲人民自主选择适合自己国情的政治制度和发展道路,支持非洲国家加强民主法制建设和实施良好管理,支持非洲国家充分发挥自身优势、积极参与国际合作和竞争。



解析:Enhance China-Africa Unity and Cooperation to Build a Harmonious World The Chinese are a peace-loving nation. We believe in cooperation and harmony among nations, and we hold that the strong and the rich should not bully the weak and the poor. Six hundred years ago, Zheng He, a famed Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, headed a large convoy which sailed across the ocean and reached the east coast of Africa four times. They brought to the African people a message of peace and goodwill, not swords, guns, plunder or slavery. For more than one hundred years in China’s modern history, the Chinese people were subjected to colonial aggression and oppression by foreign powers, and went through similar suffering and agony that the majority of African countries endured. From the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, the Chinese people launched a heroic struggle to fight colonial aggression and foreign oppression, achieve independence and liberation and build a new China of the Chinese people. Having realized this century-long historic mission, the Chinese people today are working as one to make life better for themselves. Because of the sufferings they experienced and the struggle they launched, something they will never forget, the Chinese people are most strongly opposed to colonialism, oppression, and slavery of all manifestations. Because of this, the Chinese people have the most profound sympathy for all other nations in their pursuit of independence, happiness and their aspirations. Since the founding of New China in 1949, the Chinese Government and people have provided the African people with firm political, material and moral support in their heroic straggles for liberation and against colonial rule. China has never imposed its will or unequal practices on other countries, and will never do so in the future. It will certainly not do anything harmful to the interests of Africa and its people. China respects the political systems and paths to development independently adopted and pursued by the African people that suit their national conditions. China supports the African countries in strengthening democracy, the rule of law and good governance. And China supports them in fully tapping their potential and actively participating in international cooperation and competition.

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