问题 判断题

进出境运输工具从一个设立海关的地点驶往另一个设立海关的地点,尚未办结海关手续又未经海关批准,中途擅自改驶境外或者境内未设立海关的地点的,视同走私行为论处。( )



解析: 进出境运输工具从一个设立海关的地点驶往另一个设立海关的地点,尚未办结海关手续又未经海关批准,中途擅自改驶境外或者境内未设立海关的地点的,不能够视为走私行为,海关只可以处以罚款,有违法所得的,没收违法所得。

Dear Lucy,
      We are back in Garden City now. We had    1    good trip. I    2    to collect my photos yesterday.
They    3   great! I showed these photos    4    my classmates. They all    5    them. There is a photo
of Ben and Simon    6    the Great Wall. There is one of    7    photos in the Forbidden City.
     We really enjoy    8    vacation. We were sad to    9    you. You must    10   and visit us in Garden
City on New Year's Day.
( )1. A. other
( )2. A. go  
( )3. A. are 
( )4. A. from 
( )5. A. like 
( )6. A. in  
( )7. A. I  
( )8. A. my  
( )9. A. leave
( )10. A. go  
B. a    
B. went  
B. was  
B. by    
B. liked
B. about 
B. my    
B. your       
B. meet  
B. went  
C. another 
C. is going 
C. feel     
C. for     
C. likes   
C. on       
C. we       
C. their   
C. know     
C. come     
D. went     
D. was going
D. felt     
D. to       
D. liking   
D. from                      
D. they     
D. our      
D. like     
D. came     