问题 问答题

结合材料回答问题。 原告丢失一个提包,内有现金2万元,各种票据等共计款项9万余元。原告发现其钱物丢失以后,立即在电视台和广播电台播发寻物启事,声称,谁拾得提包并归还,则付给拾得者5000元酬金以示谢意。被告拾到提包,并准备将提包、钱物交给原告。经联系,被告提出原告应按寻物启事的内容偿付5000元酬金,然后才归还钱物。原告则只愿给2000元酬金。双方因未达成一致意见,被告遂拒绝交付钱物。后原告请有关部门出面做协调工作,并同意支付3000元酬金,被告仍坚持应实现许诺的5000元,否则不交钱物。原告遂向法院起诉,请求被告交出拾得物。 根据以上材料回答: (1)被告应否返还拾得物?为什么? (2)失主自愿支付酬金的行为,是否合法? (3)怎么看待原告在电视台和广播电台播发的寻物启事? (4)原告起诉被告,被告应该怎么做?



解析:(1)从我国民法现行规定来看,任何人拾得遗失物都应当归还失主。遗失物并不是无主物,也不是所有人抛弃所有权的物,而是所有人因不慎而丧失占有的动产。拾得者有义务及时归还拾得物,否则视为对他人所有权的侵犯。所有人也有权请求拾得者返还原物。可见,返还拾得物既是道德上的义务,也是法律规定必须履行的强制性义务。因此,被告应当返还拾得物。 (2)《民法通则》虽然没有明确提到向拾得者支付报酬的问题,但如果失主愿意向拾得人支付报酬,法律也不应对此行为加以干涉。自愿支付报酬的行为本身是合法的,应受法律保护。 (3)原告播发寻物启事,其中承诺谁拾到提包并归还失主,将支付5000元作为酬金,显然这一寻物启事完全符合悬赏广告的条件。悬赏广告是一种单方法律行为,广告人对完成一定行为的人单方面负有支付报酬的义务,而不需要完成行为人做出承诺,从而极大地减轻了相对人在求偿时的举证责任。 (4)原告拒不履行其诺言,被告不得采取非法的手段维护其利益,而应采取合法补救措施。被告可以反诉原告,要求原告依法履行支付报酬的义务,并可以请求法院强制执行。


   The purpose of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to "sell" yourself. It should state__1_
the    job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have__2_. It should be simple,
human,  personal and brief without _ 3 _ out any necessary facts.
   In writing a letter of application, keep in __4__ that the things a possible employer is most _5__ to
want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening
paragraph is perhaps the most important part. _6__ the first few sentences fail to _7__ the reader's
attention, the rest of the letter may not be __8_ at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs
or interests of the employer not __9_ your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning
with "I saw your _ 10_ in today's newspaper," you might say "I have made a careful _11_ of your
advertising during the past six months" or "I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how
many housewives _12_ your product and why  they  like it. "
   Try to _13_ generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now _14_. College
graduates  looking for their first positions often ask "What can I _15_  in a letter? Employers want
experience-which, naturally, no ___16___ has." The answer is that everything you have ever done
is _17_.
   It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. _18__ a specific request for an interview
or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent  _ 19_ is to enclose
(内附) a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it _ 20_ for a possible employer
to get in  touch with you.

( )1. A. clearly      
( )2. A. found        
( )3. A. sending      
( )4. A. brain        
( )5. A. probable      
( )6. A. While         
( )7. A. pay          
( )8. A. kept          
( )9. A. to            
( )10. A. advertisement  
( )11. A. watch        
( )12. A. change      
( )13. A. avoid        
( )14. A. losing      
( )15. A. offer        
( )16. A. worker      
( )17. A. success      
( )18. A. Make        
( )19. A. result      
( )20. A. happier      
B. carefully  
B. done      
B. taking    
B. sight      
B. possible  
B. Although  
B. win        
B. continued  
B. for        
B. report    
B. search    
B. make      
B. remember  
B. applying  
B. supply    
B. beginner  
B. development  
B. Ask        
B. decision  
B. easier    
C. obviously
C. known    
C. leaving  
C. order    
C. likely  
C. As      
C. show    
C. written  
C. into    
C. article  
C. study    
C. sell    
C. protect  
C. preparing
C. mean    
C. owner    
C. practice
C. State    
C. promise  
C. cheaper  
D. easily      
D. heard        
D. picking      
D. mind        
D. able        
D. If          
D. fix          
D. read        
D. from        
D. introduction
D. discussion  
D. use          
D. gain        
D. fitting      
D. provide      
D. manager      
D. experience.  
D. Get          
D. idea        
D. safer        